Appendix Table 5.
Comparing Pro-WEAI and A-WEAI domains and indicators
Pro-WEAI domain | Pro-WEAI indicator name | Pro-WEAI definition | A-WEAI domain | A-WEAI indicator name | A-WEAI definition |
Intrinsic agency | Autonomy in income | More motivated by own values than by coercion or fear of others' disapproval Weight = 1/12 |
– | – | – |
Intrinsic agency | Self-efficacy | “Agree” or greater on average with self-efficacy questions: New General Self-Efficacy ScaleC score ≥ 32 Weight = 1/12 |
– | – | – |
Intrinsic agency | Attitudes about intimate partner violence against women | Believes husband is NOT justified in hitting or beating his wife in all 5 scenarios:D
– | – | – |
Intrinsic agency | Respect among household members | Meets ALL the following conditions related to their spouse, the other respondent, or another household member:
– | – | – |
Instrumental Agency | Input in productive decisions | Meets at least ONE of the following conditions for ALL the agricultural activities they participate in
Production | Input in productive decisions | Adequate if individual participates in and makes decisions, has input in decisions, or feels she could make decisions (if desired) about at one agricultural activity Weight = 1/5 |
Instrumental Agency | Ownership of land and other assets | Owns, either solely or jointly, at least ONE of the following: (updated March 2020)
Resources | Ownership of assets | Adequate if individual owns at least one major asset or at least two minor assets Weight = 2/15 |
Instrumental Agency | Access to and decisions on financial services | Meets at least ONE of the following conditions:
Resources | Access to and decisions about credit | Adequate if individual makes decisions about at least one source of credit accessed by her/his household Weight = 1/15 |
Instrumental Agency | Control over use of income | Has input in decisions related to how to use BOTH income and output from ALL the agricultural activities they participate in AND has input in decisions related to income from ALL non-agricultural activities they participate in, unless no decision was made Weight = 1/12 |
Income | Control over use of income | Adequate if individual participates in and has input in decisions about income generated from an activity or she/he makes decisions, has input in decisions, or feels she/he could make decisions (if desired) about employment or major household expenditures Weight = 1/5 |
Instrumental Agency | Work balance | Works less than 10.5 h per day: Workload = time spent in primary activity + (1/2) time spent in childcare as a secondary activity Weight = 1/12 |
Time | Workload | Adequate if individual worked fewer than 10.5 h during the previous day Weight = 1/5 |
Instrumental Agency | Visiting important locations | Meets at least ONE of the following conditions:
– | – | – |
Collective Agency | Group membership | Active member of at least ONE group Weight = 1/12 |
Leadership | Group member | Adequate if individual is an active member of at least one group Weight = 1/5 |
Collective Agency | Membership in influential groups | Active member of at least ONE group that can influence the community to at least a MEDIUM extent Weight = 1/12 |
– | – | – |