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[Preprint]. 2024 Jun 20:2024.06.18.599606. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.06.18.599606

Figure 1. Cryo-ET structure of the microtubule associated autoinhibited LRRK2I2020T.

Figure 1

(A) Domain organization of LRRK2. The color coding of domains is used throughout this work. (B) Front view of the focused-refined cryo-ET map (left, see Methods) of microtubule-bound LRRK2I2020T assembled in the presence of MLi-2 (dataset (2)), and the model (right) generated from the map. (C-F) Graphical representation of the composite LRRK2-microtubule map building process. The full, low-resolution microtubule-LRRK2 map shown in (D) was used as the template for map fitting. Regions corresponding to LRRK2 oligomers and microtubules are colored in aquamarine and light gray, respectively. Higher-resolution, focused maps including both LRRK2 (C) and microtubules (G) were fitted in (D-E) to generate the composite map (F), viewed perpendicular to (left) and along (right) the microtubule axis. The close-up view showing the two pseudo-2-fold axis in (G-I) is highlighted as the black square. (G-I) Overview (G) of the 13-pf microtubule map used for the composite map shown in (H). Fitting of a published 13-pf microtubule model (L) and an α-β tubulin complex model (I) into the map are shown in close-up views. (J-M) The two pseudo-twofold interfaces mediating filament formation are highlighted, with their axis indicated by a black ellipsoid in (J) and (L). The LRRK2 monomers forming each type of dimer, WD40:WD40 (J) or COR:COR (L), are highlighted in color, with the rest of the map dimmed. The same single copy of LRRK2 is highlighted in black contours for reference. (K) Side view of the LRRK2 WD40:WD40 dimer from the composite map and its cartoon representation. The view direction is shown as eye symbols in (J). WD40:WD40 interaction surface is highlighted in the cartoon representation. (M) similar with (K), showing the side view and cartoon representation of LRRK2 COR:COR dimer from the composite map. Scale bar: 5 nm for all panels.