Figure 7. Improved mechanical function with colchicine treatment of DSPtv EHTs.
(A) Representative force from DSP p.R1951X EHTs subjected to 10% strain with and without colchicine. Exposure to 10% strain produced marked mechanical alternans (marked with asterisks), which was corrected with colchicine treatment. (B and C) Colchicine significantly improved relative mechanical force production in DSP p.R1951X EHTs at baseline conditions and after isometric strain (*< 0.05, **< 0.01, ****< 0.0001 by 2-way ANOVA, n = 3–4 EHTs per condition, labeled as n1 = black dots, n2 = white dots, n3 = gray dots, n4 = brown dots). Box plots show the interquartile range, median (line), and minimum and maximum (whiskers). (D) DSP p.E1597X EHTs also showed marked alternans (marked with asterisks) after 10% strain, which was improved by colchicine. (E and F) Colchicine improved relative force in DSP p.E1597X EHTs at baseline and with 5% or 10% strain (*< 0.05, **< 0.01, ***< 0.001 by 2-way ANOVA, n = 3–4 EHTs per condition, labeled as n1 = black dots, n2 = white dots, n3 = gray dots, n4 = brown dots). (G and H) Cytokine arrays from p.E1597X EHT media showed a significant reduction of baseline cytokine secretion following colchicine treatment (†< 0.0001, ‡< 0.001, Δ< 0.01, ◊< 0.05 by 2-way ANOVA with n = 4 per condition). (I) Fractional shortening of DSP p.E1597X and p.R1951X EHTs treated with 5 μM colchicine for 48 hours demonstrated improved contractility compared with vehicle control (****< 0.0001 by 2-way ANOVA, n = 9–12 EHTs per condition). Data presented as individual recordings normalized to average baseline measurement per EHT. Significance calculated based on mean value per EHT.