FIG. 3.
Northern hybridization analysis of total and poly(A) RNAs from virus-infected and uninfected N1E cells at 6 h p.i. Uninfected control (CC), parental virus-infected (Be), recombinant virus-infected (M5′), and rescuant-infected (R5′) cellular sources of RNA are indicated above each autoradiogram. The RNAs were separated in a 2.2 M formaldehyde–1% agarose gel and then transferred to a nylon membrane. The membrane was sequentially hybridized with [32P]UTP-labeled ssRNA probes Ic (A), IIc (B), and IVc1 (C). As indicated above each lane, either total RNA (T) or poly(A) RNA (A) was used. The sizes of the RNAs complementary to the various probes are indicated on the right.