FIG. 6.
Mean body weights of ferrets vaccinated parenterally with the indicated CDV vaccines in the presence of maternal antibody. Vaccines included NYVAC (NY-HF; n = 7) and ALVAC (AL-HF; n = 7) vectors expressing CDV H and F proteins, an attenuated, live-virus CDV vaccine (atten. CDV; n = 7), and the NYVAC and ALVAC vectors expressing rabies RG (AL-RG [n = 4] and NY-RG [n = 4]) (NY/AL-RG). Ferrets were challenged i.n. with virulent CDV at 12 weeks of age. Asterisks indicate days on which the mean weights were significantly greater than mean weights of the other groups by ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test for pairwise comparisons.