After the inhibition of PPP pathway, oxidative stress induced by inflammatory factors, cell aging and fibrosis were alleviated (n = 3)
(A) Images of SA-β-galactosidase-positive cells. Scale bars: 100mm.
(B) Positive cell rate statistical results.
(C) Protein bands of P16, P21, P53, γH2AX,COL-I,COL-III of cells of each group.
(D–I) Quantitative analysis results of P16, P21, P53, γH2AX,COL-I,COL-III.
(J) Results of ROS content in cells of each group.
(K) Results of DHE content in cells of each group.
(L) Results of T-SOD content in cells of each group. Data shown as mean ± SD. ∗<0.05,∗∗<0.01,∗∗∗<0.001, ∗∗∗∗<0.0001 versus the Normal-control group, #<0.05, ##<0.01,###<0.001,####<0.0001 versus the Normal-siNC group,▲<0.05,▲▲<0.01,▲▲▲<0.0001,versus the TNF-α-control group,◆<0.05, ◆◆<0.01,◆◆◆<0.001 versus the IL-6-control group.