Fig. 3. PbTII cells exhibit a spectrum of recall dynamics during re-infection.
A (Left) UMAP representation of antigen-experienced PbTII cells prior to and 1, 2, and 3 days post-re-infection; two apparent trajectories indicated by arrows; GC Tfh cells and Sostdc1+ Tfh cells marked with dotted boundaries. (Right) Th1, Tcm, and Tfh signature scores. (Bottom) Expression patterns for various genes associated with Th1 (Cxcr6, Ifng), Tfh (Cxcr5, Bcl6), Sostdc1+ cells, TCM (Ccr7, Sell, Tcf7, Klf2), and proliferation (Mki67) states. B Volcano plots depicting the number and LogFC (lfc mean) of differentially expressed genes (genes with Bayes factor > 3) from comparing Th1 cells (Left), TCM/Tfh cells (Right), and GC Tfh cells (Bottom) prior to and post re-infection. Number of significantly upregulated/downregulated genes and the top 10 upregulated/downregulated genes annotated on volcano plots.