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. 2024 Jan 4;16(1):mjad083. doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjad083

Table 1.

Crystal data collection and refinement statistics (PDB ID: 8IMS).

Wavelength 0.978530 Å
Resolution range 45.09–3.304 (3.422–3.304)
Space group P 64
Unit cell 169.923 169.923 57.055 90 90 120
Unique reflections 14379 (1393)
Multiplicity 4.07
Completeness (%) 99.75 (98.51)
Mean I/sigma(I) 8.22 (1.48)
Wilson B-factor 97.36
CC1/2 0.996 (0.527)
Reflections used in refinement 14377 (1393)
Reflections used for R-free 761 (81)
R-work 0.2600 (0.3688)
R-free 0.2733 (0.4266)
Number of non-hydrogen atoms 2250
 Macromolecules 2241
 Ligands 0
 Solvent 9
Protein residues 277
RMS(bonds) 0.004
RMS(angles) 0.75
Ramachandran favored (%) 98.89
Ramachandran allowed (%) 1.11
Ramachandran outliers (%) 0.00
Rotamer outliers (%) 0.00
Clashscore 8.77
Average B-factor 105.07
 Macromolecules 105.22
 Solvent 66.38

Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses.