FIG. 10.
Western blot analysis of partially purified virions from NV-infected volunteers using the ORF 3 peptide antiserum. (A) Analysis of samples from volunteers 547, 546, 535, and 550. Boiled (B) and not-boiled (NB) samples were analyzed to examine both continuous and discontinuous epitopes. Controls included ORFs 2+3 VLPs and ORF 3 baculovirus recombinant-infected cell lysate. The ORF 3-related proteins are designated on the right and by arrowheads. (B) Partially purified sample from an uninfected volunteer (Normal) prepared identically to the infected volunteer samples in panel A, partially purified NV from volunteer 546 (independent purification), and rNV 2+3 VLPs analyzed by Western blot analysis using the ORF 3 C-terminal peptide antiserum. (C) Two independent partial purifications of NV from stools of volunteer 547, analyzed by Western blotting using a rabbit preimmune serum (1:500).