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. 2024 May 31;12(7):e00546-24. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00546-24


Overview of selected proteins detected in the Pel biofilm associated with either infection or biofilm development

Locus tag Protein name Protein function Mean log2 fold change (relative to NuoC) Ref
PA14_34870 ChiC Not known, possibly involved in cleavage and/or binding to carbohydrates. 5.50 a
PA14_26020 Lap/PaAP/PepB Secreted protease regulated by quorum sensing (LasRI). One of the most abundant proteins in the biofilm matrix and important for biofilm development. 4.05 (38, 39)
PA14_31290 LecA (lectin A; PA-IL) Adhesion, binding of host glycans and biofilm development. 3.91 (40, 41)
PA14_16250 LasB (elastase) Immune evasion, cleavage of immune effectors, and inhibition of immune cells. 3.70 (6, 7, 42)
PA14_65000 Azu Secreted blue copper bound protein involved in the copper homeostasis of P. aeruginosa. The protein has also been shown to induce apoptosis in macrophages and cancer cell lines. 3.57 (4348)
PA14_61200 CdrA Extracellular adhesin promoting stability and aggregation of the biofilms Psl and Pel. 3.54 (49, 50)
PA14_53250 CbpD Functions in immune evasion. 3.36 (9, 10)
PA14_50290 FliC Flagellin, the minor subunit that polymerizes to form the flagella. 3.29 (51, 52)

Note that “–" represents a lack of available references pinpointing the specific function of the protein.