Fig 3.
The coiled-coil domain of Tri1 interacts with TRAF7. (A) Schematic of Strep-tagged Tri1 variants. Variants that interact with TRAF7 by co-AP are indicated with a “+” sign, and variants that do not interact are indicated with a ”−“ sign. (B) Lysates and eluates from affinity purifications of HEK293T cells co-transfected with the indicated Tri1-Strep or Strep-sfGFP-tagged variants (indicated with *) and with FLAG-TRAF7 were immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. The control condition in which cells were transfected only with FLAG-TRAF7 is designated “−.” GAPDH serves as a loading control for the lysates. Only Tri1 variants containing a complete coiled-coil domain (Tri1-Strep, Tri1- Strep-sfGFP, and Tri184-147- Strep-sfGFP) co-AP’d with TRAF7.