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. 2024 Apr 26;5(6):851–859. doi: 10.34067/KID.0000000000000452

Table 2.

Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio cutoffs by dipstick proteinuria category

UPCR/UACR Value All Patients
n/Total N (%)
n/Total N (%)
DSP=30 mg/dl
n/Total N (%)
DSP=100 mg/dl
n/Total N (%)
DSP=≥300 mg/dl
n/Total N (%)
Omnibus P Value
UPCR ≥0.15 g/g 2677/6925 (38.7) 884/4573 (19.3)1c,2c,3c 671/1146 (58.6)4c,5c 846/926 (91.4)6c 276/280 (98.6) <0.001
UPCR<0.15 g/g 4248/6925 (61.3) 3689/4573 (80.7) 475/1146 (41.4) 80/926 (8.6) 4/280 (1.4)
UACR ≥30 mg/g 1974/5701 (34.6) 863/4222 (20.4)1c,2c,3c 504/839 (60.1)4c,5c 489/521 (93.9)6a 118/119 (99.2) <0.001
UACR<30 mg/g 3727/5701 (65.4) 3359/4222 (79.6) 335/839 (39.9) 32/521 (6.1) 1/119 (0.8)
UPCR ≥0.15 g/g or UACR ≥30 mg/g 4073/11,229 (36.3) 1595/7256 (20.0)1c,2c,3c 1010/1700 (59.4)4c,5c 1119/1219 (91.8)6c 349/354 (98.6) <0.001
Neither UPCR ≥0.15 g/g or UACR ≥30 mg/g 7156/11,229 (63.7) 6361/7256 (80.0) 690/1700 (40.6) 100/1219 (8.2) 5/354 (1.4)

To compare across dipstick proteinuria categories, we used the Cochran–Armitage trend test for binary categorical variables, generalized Pearson chi-square test for the nominal categorical variable with more than two levels, and linear-by-linear association test for ordinal categorical variable with more than two levels. We applied the Jonckheere–Terpstra test for continuous variables. Pairwise comparisons among negative or trace, 30, 100, and ≥300 mg/dl were performed for gold-standard proteinuria cutoffs when the overall test was significant, and the adjustment to P values was based on the Holm method. DSP, dipstick proteinuria; UACR, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; UPCR, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio.

Pairwise comparison between negative/trace and 30 mg/dl: 1aP < 0.05, 1bP < 0.01, 1cP < 0.001.

Pairwise comparison between negative/trace and 100 mg/dl: 2aP < 0.05, 2bP < 0.01, 2cP < 0.001.

Pairwise comparison between negative/trace and ≥300 mg/dl: 3aP < 0.05, 3bP < 0.01, 3cP < 0.001.

Pairwise comparison between 30 and 100 mg/dl: 4aP < 0.05, 4bP < 0.01, 4cP < 0.001.

Pairwise comparison between 30 and ≥300 mg/dl: 5aP < 0.05, 5bP < 0.01, 5cP < 0.001.

Pairwise comparison between 100 and ≥300 mg/dl: 6aP < 0.05, 6bP < 0.01, 6cP < 0.001.