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I-309 and SDF-1α inhibit fusion of human thymocytes with X4 and X4R5 envelope-expressing cellsa

Cells Envelope Chemokine Dose (μg/ml) Mean no. of syncytia ± SEM % Inhibition
Thymocytes IIIB None 271 ± 12
SDF-1 2 137 ± 25 50
I-309 2 172 ± 26 38
SDF-1 + 1-309 2 + 2 73 ± 2 74
RANTES 2 261 ± 2 5
RF None 331 ± 15
SDF-1 2 135 ± 15 59
I-309 2 200 ± 32 40
SDF-1 + I-309 2 + 2 30 ± 3 91
RANTES 2 338 ± 22 0
SF2 None 110 ± 7
SDF-1 2 59 ± 12 47
I-309 2 79 ± 11 28
SDF-1 + I-309 2 + 2 28 ± 7 75
RANTES 2 104 ± 4 0
89.6 None 82 ± 1
SDF-1 2 35 ± 1 68
I-309 2 60 ± 12 27
SDF-1 + I-309 2 + 2 23 ± 3 72
RANTES 2 84 ± 16 0
PM1 IIIB None 387 ± 41
SDF-1 1 36 ± 17 91
I-309 1 449 ± 43 0

Thymocytes or PM1 cells were incubated with chemokines at the indicated concentrations at 37°C. After 1 h of incubation, cells were mixed (at a 1:1 ratio) with effector cells infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing IIIB, RF, SF2, or 89.6 envelopes. Syncytia were scored after 4 to 5 h. Percent reduction in syncytium formation was calculated as described in Table 1, footnote a. Data represent two experiments.