Fig 3. Fine segmentation of proximal tubules in adult cat kidney.
(A) Proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs). Panels a and b show magnified squared areas in the upper panels. PCTs are divided into two segments: the segment containing abundant lipid droplets (LDs; arrowheads) in the cytoplasm (defined as PCTLD++, panel a) and the segment containing fewer droplets (defined as PCTLD+, panel b). PCTLD++ is close to the glomerulus (Glo), and PCTLD+ is far from Glo. (B) Proximal straight tubules (PSTs). Panels a and b show magnified squared areas in the upper panels. PSTs are divided into two segments: one containing LDs (arrowheads) in the cytoplasm (defined as PSTLD+, panel a) and the other containing no LDs (defined as PSTLD-, panel b). PSTLD+ is close to PCTs, whereas PSTLD- is far from PCTs. Resolution of anatomical or histological images: 300 × 300 dpi. PAS-H staining. Bars = 20 μm (high magnification), 100 μm (low magnification). AT attenuated tubule.