(A) DENV3 EDII epitope mapping strategy. DENV3/3 EDII, G-III into G-IV parent (9 residues) and 4 DENV3/3, G-III into G-IV cluster chimeras (C1–C4) encoding between 2 and 6 DENV3 G-III residues are depicted, G-III changed residues = blue spheres (PDB: 3J27, for visualization). C2 and C3 together make the residues encoded into C4.
(B) hmAB neutralization phenotypes. DENV1/3 EDII-targeting mAbs-115 and −419 neutralize C3 and C4, with the critical residues lying in C3.
(C) Annotated location of nAb epitopes in EDII. The critical mAb-115 and −419 epitope residues are depicted on the whole viron and are located at the EDII-EDII dimer interface (E62, G63, Q120, P124) (PDB: 3J6S_*60, for visualization).