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. 2024 Jun 20;44(8):1553–1565. doi: 10.1007/s00296-024-05643-z

Table 2.

Work characteristics and work-related problems of (self-)employed participants with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis

(Self-)employed participants with rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis
n = 646
Employed, n = 578 Self-employed, n = 68

Employment type; n (%)

Permanent employment

Temporary employment

Self-employed with personnel

Self-employed without personnel

N = 646

519 (80.3%)

59 (9.1%)

8 (1.2%)

60 (9.3%)

N = 578

519 (89.8%)

59 (10.2%)

N = 68

8 (11.8%)

60 (88.2%)

Top-3 job sector; n (%)


Education and training

Retail and sales

N = 646

241 (37.3%)

76 (11.8%)

64 (9.9%)

N = 578

219 (37.9%)

71 (12.3%)

59 (10.2%)

N = 33

22 (32.4%)

5 (7.4%)

5 (7.4%)

Occupational class; n (%)



N = 627

578 (92.2%)

49 (7.8%)

N = 561

516 (92.0%)

45 (8.0%)

N = 66

62 (93.9%)

4 (6.1%)

Size of company; n (%)

 < 10 employees

10 to 50 employees

51 to 250 employees

 > 250 employees

N = 646

107 (16.6%)

111 (17.2%)

106 (16.4%)

322 (49.8%)

N = 578

49 (8.5%)

107 (18.5%)

104 (18.0%)

318 (55.0%)

N = 68

58 (85.3%)

4 (5.9%)

2 (2.9%)

4 (5.9%)

Working hours; n (%)

 < 12 h/week

12 to 24 h/week

25 to 36 h/week

 > 36 h/week

N = 646

37 (5.7%)

244 (37.8%)

237 (36.7%)

128 (19.8%)

N = 578

31 (5.4%)

221 (38.2%)

217 (37.5%)

109 (18.9%)

N = 68

6 (8.8%)

23 (33.8%)

20 (29.4%)

19 (27.3%)

Work-related problems in the past 12 months due to the disease; n (%)


N = 617

589 (95.5%)

N = 552

526 (95.3%)

N = 65

63 (96.9%)

Type of work-related problems due to disease; n (%)

(Multiple answers possible)


Pain in joints/muscles

Stiffness of joints/muscles

Morning or starting stiffness

Difficulty moving

Swollen joints

N = 589

563 (95.6%)

552 (93.7%)

525 (89.1%)

493 (83.7%)

465 (78.9%)

245 (41.6%)

N = 526

503 (95.6%)

491 (93.3%)

470 (89.3%)

437 (83.1%)

415 (78.9%)

222 (42.2%)

N = 63

31 (49.2%)

32 (50.8%)

28 (44.4%)

26 (41.3%)

27 (42.9%)

17 (27.0%)

Currently on sick leave due to disease; n (%)

Yes, on partial sick leave

Yes, on full sick leave

N = 589

58 (9.8%)

43 (7.3%)

N = 526

54 (10.3%)

43 (8.2%)

N = 63

4 (6.3%)


Duration of current sick leave due to disease; n (%)

 < 6 months

6 to 12 months

 > 12 months

N = 101

39 (38.6%)

32 (31.7%)

30 (29.7%)

N = 97

39 (40.2%)

29 (29.9%)

29 (29.9%)

N = 4


3 (75.0%)

1 (25.0%)

Work Ability Index-Single Item Scale (WAS),

range 0 to 10; Mean (SD)

WAS categories; n (%)

Poor work ability (0–5)

Moderate work ability (6–7)

Good work ability (8–9)

Excellent work ability (10)

N = 617

6.4 (1.8)

196 (31.8%)

298 (48.3%)

118 (19.1%)

5 (0.8%)

N = 552

6.5 (1.8)

174 (31.5%)

262 (47.5%)

112 (20.3%)

4 (0.7%)

N = 65

5.9 (1.6)

22 (33.8%)

36 (55.4%)

6 (9.2%)

1 (1.5%)