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. 2024 Jun 20;44(8):1553–1565. doi: 10.1007/s00296-024-05643-z

Table 4.

Experiences with discussing work-related problems with other HCPs

Participants with rheumatoid arthritis or axial spondyloarthritis and work-related problems, N = 589
n = 589
Employed, n = 526 Self-employed, n = 63

Discussed work-related problems with another (occupational) HCP; n (%)


N = 514

219 (42.6%)

N = 458

204 (44.5%)

N = 56

15 (26.8%)

Which (occupational) HCP is consulted for work-related problems; n (%)

(Multiple answers possible)



General practitioner

Occupational therapist


Social worker


Occupational HCPs:

Occupational physician

Labour expert

Specialized occupational physiotherapist

Insurance physician

N = 219

154 (70.3%)

90 (41.1%)

33 (15.1%)

55 (25.1%)

27 (12.3%)

17 (7.8%)

114 (52.0%)

37 (16.9%)

16 (7.3%)

9 (4.1%)

N = 204

141 (69.1%)

88 (43.1%)

32 (15.7%)

51 (25.0%)

26 (12.7%)

17 (8.3%)

114 (55.9%)

36 (17.6%)

16 (7.8%)

8 (3.9%)

N = 15

13 (86.7%)

2 (13.3%)

1 (6.7%)

4 (26.7%)

1 (6.7%)



1 (6.7%)


1 (6.7%)

Reasons for not discussing work-related problems with (occupational) HCP; n (%)

(Multiple answers possible)

I did not think this was necessary

I had not thought of this

I found it difficult to discuss this

I did not think anybody could help me with this

I did not know who to consult

I did not had time for this

I was afraid that my employer would be informed

I did not had money for this

N = 295

177 (60.0%)

110 (37.3%)

107 (36.3%)

105 (35.6%)

95 (32.2%)

56 (19.0%)

46 (15.6%)

39 (13.2%)

N = 254

154 (60.6%)

93 (36.6%)

99 (39.1%)

88 (34.6%)

81 (31.9%)

46 (18.1%)

45 (17.7%)

34 (13.4%)

N = 41

23 (56.1%)

17 (41.5%)

8 (19.5%)

17 (41.5%)

14 (34.1%)

10 (24.4%)

1 (2.4%)

5 (12.2%)

Advices or actions arisen from discussing work-related problems with the (occupational) HCP; n (%)


N = 219

117 (53.4%)

N = 204

109 (53.4%)

N = 15

8 (53.3%)

Advices or actions resulting from discussions with the HCP; n (%)

(Multiple answers possible)

I have been advised to discuss adjustments in working tasks/hours/environment with my employer

I received advice on how to perform my job with fewer problems

I have been referred to a (different) HCP

I received a physical exercise program to be able to perform my job with fewer problems

I have been referred to an (different) occupational HCP

I received mental training to be able to perform my job with fewer problems

A workplace examination has been carried out

N = 117

72 (61.5%)

74 (63.2%)

46 (39.3%)

41 (35.0%)

31 (26.5%)

27 (23.1%)

18 (15.4%)

N = 109

71 (65.1%)

67 (61.5%)

45 (41.3%)

34 (31.2%)

31 (28.4%)

26 (23.9%)

18 (16.5%)

N = 8

1 (12.5%)

7 (87.5%)

1 (12.5%)

7 (87.5%)


1 (12.5%)


Was discussing the work-related problems with the (occupational) HCP sufficient to reduce the work-related problems; n (%)


N = 219

144 (65.8%)

N = 204

135 (66.2%)

N = 15

9 (60.0%)

HCP: healthcare professional