(A) Schematic of samples collected from patients with MDS and AML treated with three different doses of H3B-8800 on clinical trial (clinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02841540). (B) Total number and directionality of significant (FDR < 0.05, ΔPSI >5%) splicing alterations differentially called in each patient sample pre– and post–H3B-8800. Patients are sorted on the x axis according to increasing doses of H3B-8800. Splicing events are categorized by event type and direction of regulation in H3B-8800 versus pretreatment sample. SE, skipped exon; A3SS, alternative 3′ splice site; A5SS, alternative 5′ splice site; MXE, mutually exclusive exon; RI, retained intron. (C) heatmap of ΔPSI scores for H3B-8800–regulated splicing changes called from U937 cells (Fig. 3a) that are expressed in patient samples. Patient samples are sorted by increasing dose of H3B-8800 received. color bar on the left indicates the type of splicing event that was called, and column colors are labeled by genotype and drug treatment. (D) RNA-seq–normalized read density and splice junction track of exon skipping in BRCA1 exon9 from the pre- and posttreatment sample in the patient who received 20 mg of H3B-8800. Black lines indicate constitutive splicing junctions, and orange lines indicate splice junctions that contain exon skipping. (E) Volcano plot depicting differential gene expression of DNA repair genes from a paired analysis of all patients pre– and post–H3B-8800 treatment.