Fig. 3. ARPES measurements on Weyl cones in [Gd2C]2+·2e−.
a, b Schematic 3D BZs of [Gd2C]2+·2e− displaying W13/14 (a) and W8 Weyl points (WPs) (b). Spheres with different colors in (a, b) represent WPs with opposite chirality. The gray surfaces a, b denote 71 eV ARPES measurement plane and the (111) surface-projected BZ, respectively. On the surface-projected BZ, WPs are connected to other WPs with opposite chirality at neighboring BZs via Fermi arcs drawn with black dashed line segments. c 71 eV dispersion with Weyl state inside the red box indicating expected Weyl cone position. d Weyl state measured with various photon energies near 71 eV. The upper panels are raw images, and the lower panels are their 2D curvature plots to enhance band features. Black dashed lines in the lower panels serve as guides for eyes to visualize the Weyl cones.