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. 2024 Jun 27;65(4):233–238. doi: 10.1002/jmd2.12427


Clinical, biochemical, and radiological data of case 1–3.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
General information
Age at onset (years) 21 22 17
Age at diagnosis (years) 22 23 17
Family history
Time from diet change to symptoms (months) 12 Several Several
Time between symptoms and start of B2 (months) 7 11 6
Clinical symptoms
Hearing loss + +
Vision loss +
Bulbar weakness ++ + +
Muscle weakness ++ +
Sensory symptoms +
Respiratory symptoms
Neurological examination
Cranial nerves Nystagmus, bilateral facial weakness, tongue atrophy with fasciculations, hoarse, high pitched voice Vision 0.3 in both eyes, bilateral facial weakness, facial numbness, fasciculations tongue, hoarse, high pitched voice Bilateral facial weakness, unilateral ptosis, dysarthria
Motor function Severe distal, mild proximal weakness in legs. Increased muscle tone in legs. Bilateral atrophy of tibialis anterior Mild distal weakness in arms, severe distal weakness in legs No obvious impairment
Reflexes Brisk in arms, pathologically increased in legs, extensor plantar responses Normal except for decreased Achilles tendon reflexes Normal
Coordination Intact Intact Intact
Sensory function Sensory ataxia Intact Intact
Biochemical abnormalities (ref in plasma)
Acylcarnitine profile N.A.

C8‐carnitine: 0.53 (0.04–0.22)

C10:1‐carnitine: 0.25 (0.04–0.22)

C10‐carnitine: 0.64 (0.04–0.30)

C12‐carnitine: 0.16 (0.04–0.14)

C14:1‐carnitine: 0.22 (0.02–0.18)

FAD (nmol/l) N.A. 46.2 (46–114) N.A.
FMN (nmol/l) N.A. 1.6 (0.8–21.4) N.A.
Riboflavin (nmol/l) N.A. 1.2 (3.9–49) N.A.
MRI brain Bilateral T2 hyperintensity of corticospinal tracts Bilateral enhancement of the trigeminal, facial and acoustic nerves Contrast enhancement of both facial nerves and the right vestibulocochlear nerve
MRI spinal cord Enhancement of anterior nerve roots of cauda equina Enhancement of cauda equina nerve roots Normal
Leucocytes (ref 1–10E6/L) 1 1 1
Protein (ref 0.24–0.49 g/L) 1.1 0.7 0.5

Abbreviation: N.A., not available.