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. 2024 Jul 4;19:252. doi: 10.1186/s13023-024-03256-0

Table 2.

Included studies

Author & year Study type Country LSD type Total study
sample size
( <=10 years)
Method of HRQoL measurement (e.g. self, proxy)
Adam et al. 2019 [18] Cohort study UK Alpha-mannosidosis 9 Y Y Y Self & proxy
Alaei et al. 2021 [19] Clinical trial Iran Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 10 Y N N Proxy (parent)
Aldenhoven et al. 2017 [20] Cohort study Multi-centre - 7 European transplant centres (unspecified) Hurler syndrome (MPS IH) 63 Y Y Y (Max 18) Proxy (parent)
Ali et al. 2021 [21] Cross-sectional USA Fabry disease 69 N N Y Self
Alioto et al. 2020 [22] Cross-sectional USA, Pakistan, Israel, Tunisia, Turkey Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) & Fabry disease 32 with GD Y Y Y Self & Proxy (parent)
Arends et al. 2018 [23] Cohort study Multicentre - Netherlands and UK Fabry disease 286 N N Y Self
Aston et al. 2019 [24] Tool development UK Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) 43 Y Y Y Proxy (parent)
Avenali et al. 2019 [25] Cohort study UK Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 90 (N=90 N=31 patients with Gaucher disease type 1 (GD); N=29 GBA1 heterozygous carriers (Het GBA group);N=30 controls (HC)) ? ? Y Self
Barba-Romero et al. 2019 [26] Cross-sectional Spain Fabry disease 33 N Y (Min 17) Y Self
Bitirgen et al. 2021 [27] Cross-sectional Unspecified Fabry disease 28 (N=14 Patients, N=14 controls) ? ? Y Self
Borgwardt et al. 2018 [28] Cohort study Denmark Alpha-mannosidosis 33 Y Y Y Proxy (parent / caregiver)
Bremova-Ertl et al. 2022 [29] Clinical trial Germany, Slovakia, Spain, USA & UK Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) 33 Y Y Y Self
Chen et al. 2021 [30] Case control study USA and Japan Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 161 Y Y Y Self / Proxy (family)
Chen et al. 2021 [31] Cross-sectional China Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 68 N N Y Self
Cleary et al. 2021 [32] Cohort study England Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 55 Y Y Y Self or Proxy (parent / caregiver)
Cohen et al. 2020 [33] Cohort study Unspecified Gaucher disease 48 N N Y Self
de Oliveira Freitas et al. 2017 [34] Cohort study Brazil Gaucher disease 17 N Y Y Self
Demaret et al. 2021 [35] Cohort study France Wolman disease 5 Y N N Self & Proxy (parent)
Devigili et al. 2017 [36] Cross-sectional Italy Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 25 N N Y Self
Dinur et al. 2020 [37] Cross-sectional Israel Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 192 N N Y Self
Dutra-Clarke et al. 2021 [38] Cohort study USA Fabry disease 26 Y (Min 10) Y Y Self
Elstein et al. 2022 [39] Tool development Development - Israel; Content validitiy - USA, France & Israel; Psychometric validation - UK Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 33 (content validation); 46 (psychometric validation) N N Y Self
Forstenpointner et al. 2019 [40] Cross-sectional Unspecified Fabry disease 183 (Total split into likelihood of Fabry disease N=40 likely, N=96 possible and N=47 unlikely; includes N=4 with Fabry (diagnosed)) ? ? Y Self
Gaisl et al. 2020 [41] Cohort study Switzerland Fabry disease 156 (N=52 patients matched with 104 healthy adult controls) N N Y Self
Ganz et al. 2017 [42] Cohort study USA, Canada Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 133 N N Y Self
Haller et al. 2019 [43] Clinical trial Participants from USA, Mexico, Brazil or Portugal - completed at USA site Sly syndrome (MPS VII) 12 Y Y Y Unspecified
Hamed et al. 2019 [44] Cohort study USA Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 29 N N Y Self
Harfouche et al. 2020 [45] Cross-sectional USA Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 30 N N Y Self
Harmatz et al. 2018 [46] Clinical trial Unspecified Alpha-mannosidosis 25 (rhLAMAN-05 study), + 33 (rhLAMAN-10 study) Y Y Y Unspecified
Holub et al. 2021 [47] Cross-sectional Unspecified Fabry disease 24 (N=12 (with FD) matched with N=12 healthy controls) N N Y Self
Hu et al. 2021 [48] Cross-sectional China Gaucher disease; Fabry disease; Pompe disease and Mucopolysaccharidosis (type unspecified) 31 (N=5 Gaucher, N= 14 Fabry, N=4 Pompe, N=8 Mucopolysaccharidosis) Y Y Y Self or proxy (caregiver)
Keidel et al. 2021 [49] Cross-sectional Germany Nephropathic cystinosis (infantile) 43 Y Y Y Self
Korlimarla et al. 2020 [50] Cohort study USA and South Africa Pompe disease (GSD II) - infantile (IPD) and late-onset (LOPD) 21 Y Y Y (18 Max) Proxy (parent / family)
Korver et al. 2020 [51] Cross-sectional Netherlands Fabry disease 81 N N Y Self
Koto et al. 2022 [52] Cross-sectional Japan Fabry disease 8 Y Y ? Self
Lehtonen et al. 2018 [53] Cross-sectional England Hurler syndrome (MPS IH) 22 Y Y N Proxy (parent)
Lopez et al. 2020 [54] Cohort study Unspecified Gaucher disease 18 N Y Y Self
Matos et al. 2019 [55] Cross-sectional Brazil Hurler syndrome (MPS IH) 22 Y Y Y (21 Max) Proxy (parent)
Matos et al. 2018 [56] Cross-sectional Brazil Hunter syndrome (MPS II); Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) 16 Y Y Y (21 Max) Self & Proxy (parent)
Mattera et al. 2018 [57] Cohort study UK and USA Hunter syndrome (MPS II) 51 Y Y Y Self & Proxy (caregiver)
Mobini et al. 2022 [58] Clinical trial Iran Niemann–Pick Disease types A and B 5 Y Y (12 Max) N Proxy (parent)
Nowak et al. 2021 [59] Cross-sectional Germany and Switzerland Fabry disease 124 N N Y Self
Olgac et al. 2021 [60] Cross-sectional Turkey Fabry disease; Gaucher disease; Hurler syndrome (MPS I); Hunter syndrome (MPS II);Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) ; Pompe disease 32 (N=19 patients and N=13 parents) Y Y Y Self & Proxy (parent)
Phillips et al. 2020 [61] Cohort study Unspecified Alpha-mannosidosis 33 Y Y Y Unspecified
Pihlstrom et al. 2021 [62] Cohort study Norway Fabry disease 36 N N Y Self
Pintos-Morell et al. 2018 [63] Cohort study Spain Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 7 Y Y N Proxy (parent)
Polistena et al. 2021 [64] Cross sectional Italy Fabry disease 106 Y Y Y Self or Proxy (caregiver)
Politei et al. 2021 [65] Cohort study Brazil, Argentina and Colombia Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 18 Y Y Y Unspecified
Qi et al. 2021 [66] Cross-sectional China Gaucher disease type 1,2, 3 and unclear (GD1, GD2, GD3) 89 (N=40 (patients), N=49 (caregiver)) Y Y ? Self & Proxy (caregiver)
Quijada-Fraile et al. 2021 [67] Cross-sectional Spain Morquio syndrome (MPS IVA) 33 N Y (Min 16) Y Self
Remor et al. 2018 [68] Cross-sectional Spain Gaucher disease 20 Y Y Y (Max 18) Self & Proxy (parent)
Riccio et al. 2020 [69] Cohort study Italy Fabry disease 7 N N Y Self
Ripeau et al. 2017 [70] Cohort study Argentina and Venezuela Fabry disease 33 Y (Min 10) Y Y Self
Roca-Espiau et al. 2019 [71] Case control study Spain Gaucher disease type 1 and 3 (GD1; GD3) 47 (N=27, control group of N=20 healthy matched) N N Y Self
Rosa 2020 [72] Cross-sectional Brazil Fabry disease 37 ? ? Y Self
Sadjadi et al. 2020 [73] Cross-sectional USA Nephropathic cystinosis 20 N N Y Self
Scheidegger et al. 2018 [74] Cohort study Switzerland Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 7 ? ? ? Self
Sechi et al. 2020 [75] Clinical trial Italy Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 13 N N Y Self
Sigurdardottir et al. 2021 [76] Cohort study Norway Fabry disease 43 N N Y Self
Suzuki et al. 2020 [77] Cross-sectional Japan Hunter syndrome (MPS II) 109 Y Y Y Self & Proxy (family)
Tantawy et al. 2020 [78] Cross-sectional Egypt Gaucher disease type 1 and 3 (GD1; GD3) 24 N Y Y Self
Vaeggemose et al. 2021 [79] Case-control study Denmark and Germany Pompe disease (late onset (LOPD)) 20 (N=10 (and N=10 matched controls)) N N Y Unspecified
Vallim et al. 2020 [80] Cross-sectional and case control Brazil Fabry disease 16 N Y (Min 17) Y Self
Vallim et al. 2019 [81] Case-control study Brazil Fabry disease 31 (N=17 (N=17 (11 classic, 6 non-classic) and control group N=14) N Y (Min 17) Y Self
Velicki et al. 2021 [82] Cohort study Unspecified Hurler syndrome (MPS IH); Hurler-Sheie syndrome (MPS IS); Hunter syndrome (MPS II); Mucolipidosis III (ML III) 25 (N=6 LSD: N=1 Hurler syndrome (MPS IH); N=1 Hurler-Sheie syndrome (MPS IS); N=3 Hunter syndrome (MPS II); N=1 Mucolipidosis III (ML III)) N Y Y Self
Von Cossel 2021 [83] Cross-sectional Germany Fabry disease (non-classical variant) 9 N N Y Self
Wenninger et al. 2019 [84] Clinical trial Germany Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 21 N N Y Self
Wilke et al. 2019 [85] Cross-sectional Brazil Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) 23 N N Y Self
Yuan et al. 2020 [86] Cross-sectional Netherlands Pompe disease (late onset) (LOPD) 121 N N Y Self

Where it is unclear whether a study includes participants of a specific age range, ‘?’ is entered into the age categories