KSIA studies in IL10/DUSP6 double KO mice
(A) DUSP6 KO (DP6KO; dark blue line; n = 5) males had significantly lower arthritis severity scores compared with C57BL/6 (WT; red line; n = 9; ##p = 0.0039, t test). IL10 KO mice (green line; n = 8) were not protected and developed arthritis more severe than the WT mice. IL10 KO introduced into the DUSP6 KO completely reversed the protection conferred by the DUSP6 KO, and double KO mice (light blue line; n = 9) developed disease similar to the IL10 KO, and significantly more severe than the WT and DUSP6 KO (∗p = 0.02; ∗∗p = 0.001; t test).
(B) Cumulative arthritis scores (area under the curve) from the same experiment shown in (A) showing lower median scores in DUSP6 KO (dark blue) compared with C57BL/6 (WT; red), IL10 KO (green), and DUSP6/IL10 double KO mice (light blue) (∗p = 0.0132, Kruskal-Wallis test).