Table 2.
Data Input Categories and Sources
Activity | Data Source and Explanation |
| |
Costs of Clinical Tasks | |
Prepare for visit | Clinic staff estimated average time spent preparing for each visit. Time estimate multiplied by labor cost per hour (see text and supplement). |
Brief counseling | Time recorded on DATCAP and valued using labor cost per hour (see text) |
Deliver smoking- contingent voucher incentive | Time recorded on DATCAP and valued using labor cost per hour (see text) |
Purchase client vouchers | Time recorded on DATCAP and valued using labor cost per hour (see text) |
Drive to/from off-site visits | Time recorded on DATCAP and valued using labor cost per hour (see text) |
Follow-up after missed appointments | Clinic staff estimated average time spent per week. Converted to average time per visit using client visits per week in each group. Time spent multiplied by labor cost per hour (see text and supplement). |
Urine processing, review results, disposal | Clinic staff estimated average time spent per visit. Time spent multiplied by labor cost per hour (see text). |
Purcard verification | Staff members verified voucher purchases made for clients on University Purcards: credit cards used in this study to purchase retailer credits for clients awarded financial incentives. Clinic staff estimated average time spent per week on the verifications. Results were converted to average time per visit using visits per week. Time per visit was multiplied by labor cost per hour (see text). |
Record mileage | Clinic staff estimated average time spent per week. Results were converted to average time per visit using visits per week. Time spent was multiplied by labor cost per hour (see text). |
Complete required training | Clinic staff estimated annual training time. Converted to average time spent per visit using total study months and total visits over the timespan of the study. |
Costs of Other Inputs | |
Voucher Spending Amounts | Recorded on Purcard invoices and abstracted to study database |
Supplies | |
Office supplies | Study receipts |
Urinalysis supplies | Study receipts Lease cost/sq. ft. for clinical office space multiplied by workspace area (299 |
Clinic Workspace | sq. ft.) multiplied by fraction of time used for study and then apportioned to participants based on time spent in visits |
Office Cubicle (desk, chair, divider walls) | Total purchase cost of $750 was amortized over 20 years at a 3% rate per year and apportioned to the study timeframe based on the duration of the study and then divided by number of participants |
Clinic Staff Vehicle Use | $0.57 per mile times number of miles (University rate) |
Client Transportation & Time Costs | |
Transportation | Total transportation cost for bus/taxi and care recorded on DATCAP (see text) |
Travel time | Time recorded on DATCAP and valued using a travel cost per hour (Verbooy et al., 2018). |
Intervention Benefits | |
Medicaid Cost Offsets | Reduction in rate of infants small for gestational age (SGA) times difference in Medicaid payments for delivery, newborn, and first year of life for infant SGA versus not SGA |
ADP (Absolute Difference in Percent) | Excel calculation based on abstinence in control and adjusted odds ratio for abstinence (intervention versus control) at 24 weeks postpartum |
Mother’s QALY Gain | Using Stapleton & West (2012), Table 2 for 48 weeks since quit date, interpolate entry corresponding to 3% discount rate and ADP. |
Infant’s QALY Gain | Multiply lives saved based on improvement in abstinence at end of pregnancy times infant’s discounted life expectancy at birth. |
Economic Benefits | Mother’s plus infant’s QALY gains times value per QALY ($100,000) |