Table. Statewide Stroke Policy Components and Definitions, 2005-2020.
Stroke policy component | Definition |
Tiered stroke centers | Law expressly requires or authorizes hospitals or other health care facilities to hold themselves out as providing stroke care at a specified level |
Standardized emergency medical technician stroke assessment | Law authorizes emergency medical technician education and/or training in stroke assessment, triage and transport using stroke protocols, scales, or other assessment tools |
Stroke task force or continuous quality improvement, statewide or regional | Law requires or authorizes establishment of a task force, advisory body, council, commission, committee, subcommittee, workgroup, or similar entity whose role is to oversee or advise on the development and/or implementation of a SSOC or the coordination of stroke care across EMS, hospital, and posthospital care within an existing trauma system of care; law expressly establishes or authorizes a statewide (defined as a state-level or centralized approach to providing care across the state) stroke CQI plan; planning process; process, program, or stroke system evaluation; system performance monitoring (or measurement); and stroke system quality assurance |
EMS stroke alerts | Law expressly authorizes prenotification (direct communication) between EMS and receiving facility that an emergency medical technician is transporting a patient with a suspected stroke to the facility by ground or air |
EMS triage and transport protocols | Law expressly authorizes or requires statewide and/or regional EMS protocols for stroke assessment and triage and statewide and/or regional EMS transport protocols to a stroke facility using ground transport |
Abbreviations: CQI, continuous quality improvement; EMS, emergency medical services; SSOC, stroke system of care.