Cook‐Bolden 2010.
Methods | DESIGN Between‐patient Participant delivery ALLOCATION Random Method of randomisation: unclear Concealment: unclear BLINDING Double‐blind (participant/investigator) WITHDRAWAL/DROPOUT Described | |
Participants | N: 81
Treatment duration: 4 wks; FU: 4 wks
LF: 3 (4%)
BC: yes
Age: 43.7 (14.69SD)
Ethnicity (% white): 78%
Gender (per cent men): 39.5%
Duration (yrs): 11.1 (10.5SD) Severity: GSS = 3 (moderate) (67.9%); GSS = 4 (severe) (32.1%) INCLUSION CRITERIA
Interventions |
Max usage/wk: 50 g Participants achieving GSS = 0 at 2 wks completed ("withdrew" from) the study. |
Outcomes |
Notes | Galderma Laboratories, LP, sponsored the trial. Galderma supplied safety data for this study. |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Unclear risk | The trial reported insufficient details. |
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) All outcomes | Low risk | The trial was double‐blind (participant/investigator). |
Randomisation method reported | Unclear risk | The trial did not report this. |
Loss to follow up | Low risk | 4% |
Baseline assessments | Low risk | These were made. |
Baseline comparability demonstrated | Low risk | The trial demonstrated demographic and clinical comparability. |