Outcome | OR | CI | AOR* | CI |
Any ACEs | 1.71 | [0.99,2.95] | 1.54 | [0.83,2.87] |
Two or More ACEs | 1.99 | [1.30,3.03] | 1.83 | [1.14,2.94] |
Three or More ACEs | 1.92 | [1.24,2.98] | 1.73 | [1.07,2.77] |
AOR = adjusted odds ratio. CI = 95% confidence interval. *Adjusted for all variables listed in Table 2, plus a quadratic term for maternal age, an indicator for missing medical records data, and an indicator for the postpartum survey taking place in either of 2 cities in which that survey did not ask about domestic violence.