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. 2024 Jun 7;16(6):e61898. doi: 10.7759/cureus.61898

Table 5. Differential features between SUNCT/SUNA headaches and TN.

SUNCT/SUNA headaches and TN may be different aspects of the same type of disorder [64], and such a nosology would merge cephalgia with neuralgia [92]

SUNCT: short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing; SUNA: short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform; TN: trigeminal neuralgia

Autonomic features Yes, pronounced Mild, if they occur at all
Location More likely V1; unilateral More likely V2 and/or V3; unilateral
Moving neck May cause an attack Will not cause an attack
Onset of pain Abrupt Abrupt
Pain paroxysms May occur, but pain is more persistent Brief (seconds to minutes) with refractory periods or less intense ambient pain between attacks
Time of attack Daylight more frequent than night Not specific
Trigger No Yes, tends to be a mild stimulus to the trigeminal nerve dermatome