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. 2024 Jul 4;24:672. doi: 10.1186/s12879-024-09562-z

Table 4.

Comparison of performance for Xpert MTB/XDR in sputum and LPA using pDST as gold standard

N TP FP FN TN Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Isoniazid resistance
MTB/XDR 148 112 2 8 26 93.3 (87.1–96.7) 92.9 (73.7–98.4) 98.3 (93.3–99.6) 76.5 (58.5–88.2)
MTBDRplus 148 111 1 9 27 92.5 (86.1–96.1) 96.4(76.3–99.6) 99.1 (93.8–99.9) 75.0 (57.6–86.9)
Fluoroquinolone resistance
MTB/XDR 147 140 0 2 5 96.6 (92.1–98.6) 100 (-) 100 (-) 71.4 (64.2–78.5)
MTBDRsl 147 144 0 2 1 99.3 (95.2–99.9) 100 (-) 100 (-) 66.7 (53.1–99.9)
Amikacin resistance
MTB/XDR 147 145 0 2 0 98.7 (94.8–99.7) * 100 (-) *
MTBDRsl 147 147 0 0 0 100 (-) * 100 (-) *
Kanamycin resistance
MDR/XDR 147 144 0 2 0 98.0 (93.8–99.3) * 100(-) *
MTBDRsl 147 147 0 0 0 100 (-) * 100(-) *

‘*’ All observations in culture were sensitive, hence specificity could be determined. (-) means that the confidence interval could not be determined because specificity/PPV/NPV was 100%. Analysis was limited to matched patients with results from both an Xpert MTB/XDR and LPA assays to ensure direct comparison