Strand 1: Improving health information and knowledge
(1) Developing and operating an EU health monitoring system. This will include establishing indicators for health status and health determinants and agreeing methods for data collection. It will also include projects to improve sharing of and access to health data
(2) Developing and using methods for analysis, advice, reporting, and consultation on health issues. Under this heading the EU may start analysing best practice in health care
Strand 2: Responding rapidly to health threats
(1) Enhancing the EU's capacity to tackle communicable diseases. The EU will build on and enhance its existing network on the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases. In particular, coordination with the countries of central and eastern Europe will be enhanced
(2) Strengthening the EU's capacity to tackle other health threats. The EU will continue to take an interest in the health risks posed by electromagnetic fields and other physical agents
(3) Strengthening early warning and response system for all health threats (including, since 11 September, possible bioterrorism attacks)
Strand 3: Addressing health determinants
(1) Developing strategies and measures on lifestyle related determinants
(2) Developing strategies on social and health determinants
(3) Developing strategies and measures on health determinants related to the environment
Budget proposed by the European Commission=€50m a year
All of the above should, among other things, make available funding for health non-governmental organisations and patient groups running EU level projects.