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[Preprint]. 2024 Jun [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Table 1.

Demographics for fMRI and EEG datasets

Full dataset
All participants n = 5306 HCs = 3509 MCI = 517 AD = 828 bvFTD = 463
fMRI dataset
Variable HCs Non-LAC n = 967 LAC n = 477 MCI Non-LAC n = 215 LAC n = 169 AD Non-LAC n = 214 LAC n = 505 bvFTD Non-LAC n = 190 LAC n = 216 Statistics Non-LAC vs. LAC Post-hoc comparisons
Sex (F:M) Non-LAC 470:497 114:101 112:102 98:92 χ2 = 2.19 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
p = 0.533 HC-AD: p > 0.05
HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
LAC 261:216 84:85 262:243 105:111 χ2 = 2.76 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
p = 0.429 HC-AD: p > 0.05
HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Age (years) Non-LAC 53.55 59.62 76.59 73.14 F = 3.13 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(13.43) (8.77) (9.35) (8.56) p = 0.47 HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.02 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Range: [22–91] LAC 65.34 66.53 77.52 73.15 F = 3.62 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(11.44) (8.18) (9.35) (8.76) p = 0.45 HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.02 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Years of Education Non-LAC 13.15 14.15 13.12 11.16 F = 2.19 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(5.41) (3.41) (5.34) (3.56) p = 0.49 HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.02 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Range: [0 – 25] LAC 12.11 11.52 8.89 7.89 F = 1.31 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(3.39) (6.32) (4.34) (3.36) p = 0.68 HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.01 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
EEG dataset
HCs Non-LAC n = 569 LAC n = 1486 MCI LAC n = 133 AD LAC n = 108 bvFTD LAC n = 57 Statistics Non-LAC vs. LAC Post-hoc comparisons
Sex (F:M) Non-LAC 470:99 - - - χ2 = 64.62 -
p < 0.001*
LAC 954:532 111:22 85:23 39:18 χ2 = 28.05 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
p < 0.001* HC-AD: p > 0.05
HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Age (years) Non-LAC 58.98 - - - t = 4.21 -
(12.03) p = 0.07
np2 = 0.02
Range: [21–92] LAC 66.74 62.54 78.62 71.05 F = 7.62 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(13.94) (9.98) (8.34) (9.34) p < 0.001* HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.07 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05
Years of Education Non-LAC 14.85 (4.91 - - - t = 3.54 -
p = 0.08
np2 = 0.01
Range: [0 – 24] LAC 13.92 8.12 10.75 14.38 F = 6.31 HC-MCI: p > 0.05
(3.39) (4.34) (6.32) (5.49) p < 0.001* HC-AD: p > 0.05
np2 = 0.06 HC-bvFTD: p > 0.05

Results are presented as mean (SD). Asterisks (*) indicate an alpha level of p < 0.05. Demographic data comparing non-LAC and LAC groups were assessed using unpaired t-tests, while data for pathological groups were analyzed using ANOVAs followed by Tukey post-hoc pairwise comparisons, except for sex, which was analyzed using Pearson’s chi-squared (χ2) test. Effect sizes were calculated using partial eta squared (ηp2). Abbreviations: HC = healthy control, MCI = mild cognitive impairment, AD = Alzheimer’s disease, bvFTD = behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.