Table 2.
Summary table of effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability of digital screening in pregnancy and postpartum
ID | Author/Year | Measure | Method/Data Analysis | Comparison Group |
3 | Diez-Canseco et al. (2018) | Effectiveness | Quantitative: descriptive analyses, frequencies and percentages; Qualitative: Interviews | No |
6 | Drake et al. (2014) | Effectiveness | Cronbach’s α; Thematic Analysis | No |
9 | Flynn et al. (2011) | Effectiveness | Cronbach’s α; Quantitative Analysis: Pearson correlations; Comparative AUC for ROC contrasts between EPDS and PHQ | No |
10 | Fontein-Kuipers & Jomeen (2019) | Effectiveness | Quantitative Analysis; proportion of maternal distress; reliability analysis of Whooley questions; diagnostic accuracy of Whooley items for depression, trait-anxiety, pregnancy-related anxiety; population prevalence of maternal distress; ROC analysis of EDS, STAI and PRAQ-R2 at T1 & T1 (Q1 &2) | No |
14 | Guevara et al. (2016) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Summary statistics on the number of eligible parents, depression screens administered, and positive screens by site were collected; Differences in proportions by site using chi- square statistics; Assessed for trends in the monthly proportion screened using a chi- square test of trend statistic; Thematic Analysis | No |
15 | Guintivano et al. (2018) | Effectiveness | Descriptive statistics; State-level birth rate data; ICC’s to measure test–retest reliability for continuous variables; Binomial tests to measure agreement for binary variables; Squared weighted Cohen’s kappas to measure test–retest reliability for categorical variables | No |
16 | Hahn et al. (2021) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Univariate analysis (χ2, N and p-value) of the first cohort; Logistic regression coefficients; Socio-demographic variables; birth complications; subjective birth-related trauma; PMS; postpartum blues; stressful life events; breastfeeding; within- and out-of-sample validation study design | Yes—three distinct groups: women with PPD, women with Adjustment Disorder (AD), and healthy controls (HC) |
18 | Highet et al. (2019) | Effectiveness | Cronbach’s α (EPDS administered digitally); Participant characteristics; psychosocial risk (n & %); mean screening time; rates of depression and anxiety | No |
19 | Jiménez-Serrano et al. (2015) | Effectiveness | Machine Learning (ML); Pattern Recognition (PR); Naive Bayes Model; Logistic Regression; artificial neural network (ANN); support vector machines (SVM) | Yes – PPD and no PPD |
21 | Kallem et al. (2019) | Effectiveness | Bivariate analyses (Chi-square and t test) were conducted comparing the maternal and infant factors of mothers who completed the EPDS and did not complete the EPDS; Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate maternal and infant clinical and sociodemographic factors that predict service use | Yes – women who received services and women who did not receive services |
22 | Kim et al. (2007) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Quantitative outcomes of interest were completion rates for the IVR screening and the percentage of women with mild to severe depressive symptoms. Research outcomes included reports of patient satisfaction (n & %) with the system along with their preferences for an intervention | No |
23 | Kingston et al. (2017) |
Effectiveness Feasibility Acceptability |
Adapted version of Renker and Tonkin’s tool of feasibility and acceptability; ITT analysis; Baseline differences in groups were compared using independent t tests (means) and chi-square tests (%); Descriptive data (frequencies and 95% CIs; means and SDs) to describe the sample | Yes – women who completed paper-based screening compared to E-screening |
25 | Marcano-Belisario et al. (2017) | Feasibility | Completion times (median, mins, secs); proportion; median; chi-square; sample sizes and percentages | No |
27 | Poleshuck et al. (2015) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Analytic plan—growth curve analysis; quadratic effects; cross-sectional mean differences using ANCOVA; moderation effects; latent class analysis | No |
28 | Quispel et al. (2012) | Effectiveness | Cronbach’s α coefficient; intraclass correlation coefficient, Cohen’s κ and Kendall’s τ-b. Criterion validity NPV; PPV secondary measure; risk profiles and to describe feasibility judgements they used conventional descriptive and comparative statistics; Posthoc Bonferroni adjusted pair wise comparisons were performed to identify any group related difference; Power 0.80 and p value < 0.05 | No |
29 | Martinez-Borba et al. (2019) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Descriptive analysis of the sample; Analysis of dropout rates (proportion of women who completed each assessment in relation to women who were registered into the program); Exploration of women’s usability reports and satisfaction with HM | No |
30 | Shore et al. (2020) | Effectiveness | Descriptive analyses on patient characteristics, process measures and outcome measures (%, N, χ2,df, p-value) | No |
31 | Tsai et al. (2014) |
Effectiveness Feasibility Acceptability |
Cronbach’s α coefficient; Pearson correlation coefficient; calculating sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios using standard formulas; ROC curves, calculating the area under the ROC curve (AUC) using the trapezoidal rule and comparing AUC values using the algorithm | No |
32 | Willey et al. (2020) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Thematic analysis – inductive and deductive approach; saturation of themes; hybrid approach to thematic analysis was utilised | No |
34 | Wright et al. (2020) |
Feasibility Acceptability |
Descriptive statistics; general inductive approach to thematic analysis of Qualitative themes | No |