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. 2024 Jun 25;11:1379980. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1379980

Table 3.

Serum biochemistry reference intervals (RI) of wild breeding adult rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) from Lucy, Pine, Triangle Islands, and SGang Gwaay in British Columbia, 2013–2019.

Measurand Units n Mean SD Median Min Max p-valuea Distributiona Methodb LRL of RIb URL of RIb CI 90% of LRLb CI 90% of URLb
Sodium mmol/L 35 137.5 3.2 137 133 145 0.08 NG R 130.4 143.6 128.6–131.8 141.8–145.6
Potassium mmol/L 35 3.03 0.47 2.9 2.2 4.1 0.31 G R 1.98 3.99 1.76–2.22 3.67–4.23
Chloride mmol/L 35 117.7 3.2 117 113 126 0.02 NG R 110.5 123.9 109.0–112.4 122.1–125.8
CO2 mmol/L 35 19.6 5.1 20 <5 29 0.02 NG R 9.8 31 7.1–13.0 27.7–33.6
Calcium mg/dL 34 9.38 0.84 9.4 7.1 10.7 0.001 NG R 7.76 11.21 7.31–8.24 10.68–11.64
Phosphorus mg/dL 33 3.02 1.58 3 0.8 7.3 <0.001 NG R 0 5.87 0–0.49 4.89–6.84
Magnesium mg/dL 35 2.01 0.31 2 1.3 2.7 0.99 G R 1.36 2.65 1.23–1.57 2.50–2.81
Uric acid mg/dL 34 15.06 7.77 14.6 1.2 37.9 <0.001 NG R 0 30.1 0–2.94 25.38–34.98
Urea nitrogen mg/dL 34 5.3 2.4 5 1 12 0.002 NG R 0 9.5 0–1.3 8.1–11.4
Creatinine mg/dL 32 0.25 0.08 0.2 <0.2 0.4 <0.001 NG R n/a n/a n/a n/a
AST U/L 35 349.2 239.8 296 49 1,275 <0.001 NG R 0 804.4 n/a 609.1–1005.7
CK U/L 33 253.7 159.4 208 39 752 <0.001 NG R 0 539.7 n/a 416.9–665.6
Glucose mg/dL 32 383.7 62.9 399 231 488 <0.001 NG R 256.2 525 222.4–297.5 490.3–556.6
Amylase U/L 35 2082 805 2,286 856 3,519 0.005 NG R 410.4 3847.5 48.2–987.4 3575.7–4181.3
Lipase U/L 33 11.5 10.6 8 <1 41 <0.001 NG R 0 29.9 n/a 22.9–38.5
Triglyceride mg/dL 33 171.6 59.3 163 72 371 <0.001 NG R 35.1 280.8 0–83.3 230.8–323.5
Cholesterol mg/dL 35 303.4 58.3 305 184 440 0.8 G R 183.6 424.7 158.7–213.8 396.6–453.4

aThe Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess normality of the distributions at a threshold of p < 0.3. NG, Non-Gaussian; G, Gaussian. bOutliers were identified by Tukey interquartile fences and removed. The robust (R) method was used to generate reference intervals (RI), containing the central 95%. LRL, Lower reference limit; URL, Upper reference limit; CI, Confidence interval; SD, Standard deviation; AST, Aspartate aminotransferase; and CK, Creatine kinase.