Fig. 3. Prestimulus activity’s influence on trial-to-trial variability in stimulus response amplitude.
A vmPFC ROI composed of prestimulus activity predictive to criterion and/or sensitivity. B Whole-brain statistical maps for differences in post-stimulus trial-to-trial variability between high and low prestimulus vmPFC activity trials from 0 to 4 s relative to the stimulus onset. Voxel clusters with significantly higher trial-to-trial variability (indexed by s.d.) in trials with high prestimulus activity are shown in warm colors, and voxel clusters with significantly lower response variability are shown in cool colors, respectively (n = 25, two-sided t-tests, thresholded at p < 0.05, FWE corrected for cluster size, CDT at p < 0.01). C Visual ROI with prestimulus activity predictive to criterion and/or sensitivity. D Same as B for the visual ROI. s.d standard deviation, ROI region of interest, TR Repetition time.