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. 2024 Jul 8;184(9):1056–1064. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.2525

Table. Characteristics of Study Population Before and After Propensity Score Matchinga.

Variable No. (%)
Before matching After matching
Tirzepatide (n = 9193) Semaglutide (n = 32 029) Overall (n = 41 222) Tirzepatide (n = 9193) Semaglutide (n = 9192) Overall (n = 18 386) Absolute SMD
Age 51.9 (12.7) 56.4 (13.0) 55.4 (13.1) 51.9 (12.7) 52.0 (13.2) 52.0 (12.9) .01
Female 6484 (70.5) 21 060 (65.8) 27 544 (66.8) 6484 (70.5) 6486 (70.6) 12 970 (70.5) <.001
Male 2709 (29.5) 10 969 (34.2) 13 678 (33.2%) 2709 (29.5) 2707 (29.4) 5416 (29.5) <.001
Asian 156 (1.7) 880 (2.7) 1036 (2.5) 156 (1.7) 198 (2.2) 354 (1.9) .005
Black 1050 (11.4) 4481 (14.0) 5531 (13.4) 1050 (11.4) 1121 (12.2) 2171 (11.8) .008
White 7097 (77.2) 23 559 (73.6) 30 656 (74.4) 7097 (77.2) 7085 (77.1) 14 182 (77.1) .001
Other or unknownb 890 (9.7) 3109 (9.7) 3999 (9.7) 890 (9.7) 789 (8.6) 1679 (9.1) .01
Hispanic or Latino 1414 (15.4) 4252 (13.3) 5666 (13.7) 1414 (15.4) 1374 (14.9) 2788 (15.2) .01
Not Hispanic or Latino 7355 (80.0) 26 093 (81.5) 33 448 (81.1) 7355 (80.0) 7416 (80.7) 14 771 (80.3) .007
Other 424 (4.6) 1684 (5.3) 2108 (5.1) 424 (4.6) 403 (4.4) 827 (4.5) .002
Education: any college on record 5467 (59.5) 14 275 (44.6) 19 742 (47.9) 5467 (59.5) 5463 (59.4) 10 930 (59.4) <.001
Income range, $
0-25 000 220 (2.4) 853 (2.7) 1073 (2.6) 220 (2.4) 290 (3.2) 510 (2.8) .008
25 001-50 000 3763 (40.9) 14 602 (45.6) 18 365 (44.6) 3763 (40.9) 3851 (41.9) 7614 (41.4) .01
50 001-80 000 3521 (38.3) 11 376 (35.5) 14 897 (36.1) 3521 (38.3) 3423 (37.2) 6944 (37.8) .01
>80 000 1490 (16.2) 4354 (13.6) 5844 (14.2) 1490 (16.2) 1428 (15.5) 2918 (15.9) .007
Unknown 199 (2.2) 844 (2.6) 1043 (2.5) 199 (2.2) 201 (2.2) 400 (2.2) <.001
Texas 3997 (43.5) 9397 (29.3) 13 394 (32.5) 3997 (43.5) 3969 (43.2) 7966 (43.3) .006
Wisconsin 591 (6.4) 2850 (8.9) 3441 (8.3) 591 (6.4) 582 (6.3) 1173 (6.4) .004
Illinois 583 (6.3) 3239 (10.1) 3822 (9.3) 583 (6.3) 586 (6.4) 1169 (6.4) .001
Ohio 906 (9.9) 2425 (7.6) 3331 (8.1) 906 (9.9) 917 (10.0) 1823 (9.9) .004
Washington 458 (5.0) 3538 (11.0) 3996 (9.7) 458 (5.0) 457 (5.0) 915 (5.0) <.001
California 754 (8.2) 3021 (9.4) 3775 (9.2) 754 (8.2) 750 (8.2) 1504 (8.2) .00
Other 1904 (20.7) 7559 (23.6) 9463 (23.0) 1904 (20.7) 1932 (21.0) 3836 (20.9) .008
Weight, kg 110 (25.7) 109 (25.2) 109 (25.3) 110 (25.7) 110 (25.8) 110 (25.8) 0.01 (25.8)
BMIc 39.0 (8.08) 38.6 (7.92) 38.7 (7.96) 39.0 (8.08) 39.1 (8.09) 39.1 (8.09) .008
Unknown 1202 (13.1) 2661 (8.3) 3863 (9.4) 1202 (13.1) 1211 (13.2) 2413 (13.1) <.001
Years since first overweight/obesity 4.48 (3.11) 5.08 (3.28) 4.95 (3.25) 4.48 (3.11) 4.50 (3.11) 4.49 (3.11) .004
T2D 4773 (51.9) 22 890 (71.5) 27 663 (67.1) 4773 (51.9) 4790 (52.1) 9563 (52.0) .004
Years since first T2D (among patients with T2D) 3.54 (3.21) 4.24 (4.09) 4.12 (3.96) 3.54 (3.21) 3.42 (3.36) 3.48 (3.29) .04
Months since May 2022 8.48 (3.93) 8.44 (4.59) 8.45 (4.45) 8.48 (3.93) 8.69 (4.50) 8.59 (4.23) .05
No. of HBA1c tests in previous 2 y 2.19 (1.89) 2.85 (2.10) 2.71 (2.07) 2.19 (1.89) 2.21 (1.87) 2.20 (1.88) .008
Bariatric surgery history 385 (4.2) 1140 (3.6) 1525 (3.7) 385 (4.2) 367 (4.0) 752 (4.1) .002
Atrial fibrillation 404 (4.4) 2332 (7.3) 2736 (6.6) 404 (4.4) 405 (4.4) 809 (4.4) <.001
Asthma 1658 (18.0) 6253 (19.5) 7911 (19.2) 1658 (18.0) 1689 (18.4) 3347 (18.2) .009
CKD 833 (9.1) 4909 (15.3) 5742 (13.9) 833 (9.1) 852 (9.3) 1685 (9.2) .007
COPD 412 (4.5) 2471 (7.7) 2883 (7.0) 412 (4.5) 416 (4.5) 828 (4.5) .002
Glaucoma 133 (1.4) 786 (2.5) 919 (2.2) 133 (1.4) 135 (1.5) 268 (1.5) <.001
Heart failure 442 (4.8) 2852 (8.9) 3294 (8.0) 442 (4.8) 452 (4.9) 894 (4.9) .005
Hyperlipidemia 5736 (62.4) 23 839 (74.4) 29 575 (71.7) 5736 (62.4) 5802 (63.1) 11 538 (62.8) .015
Hypertension 5741 (62.4) 23 393 (73.0) 29 134 (70.7) 5741 (62.4) 5747 (62.5) 11 488 (62.5) .001
Ischemic heart disease 449 (4.9) 2600 (8.1) 3049 (7.4) 449 (4.9) 446 (4.9) 895 (4.9) .002
Osteoporosis 269 (2.9) 1318 (4.1) 1587 (3.8) 269 (2.9) 281 (3.1) 550 (3.0) .001
Acute MI 161 (1.8) 942 (2.9) 1103 (2.7) 161 (1.8) 145 (1.6) 306 (1.7) .002
Ischemic stroke 12 (0.1) 73 (0.2) 85 (0.2) 12 (0.1) 7 (0.1) 19 (0.1) <.001
Major depressive disorder 2026 (22.0) 7603 (23.7) 9629 (23.4) 2026 (22.0) 2018 (22.0) 4044 (22.0) .002
DPP4 659 (7.2) 3175 (9.9) 3834 (9.3) 659 (7.2) 666 (7.2) 1325 (7.2) .003
Insulin 485 (5.3) 2634 (8.2) 3119 (7.6) 485 (5.3) 488 (5.3) 973 (5.3) .001
Metformin 4179 (45.5) 19 557 (61.1) 23 736 (57.6) 4179 (45.5) 4217 (45.9) 8396 (45.7) .008
SGLT2i 1162 (12.6) 5828 (18.2) 6990 (17.0) 1162 (12.6) 1176 (12.8) 2338 (12.7) .005
Sulfonylurea 1102 (12.0) 6274 (19.6) 7376 (17.9) 1102 (12.0) 1073 (11.7) 2175 (11.8) .01
Orlistat 17 (0.2) 53 (0.2) 70 (0.2) 17 (0.2) 21 (0.2) 38 (0.2) <.001
Phentermine topiramate 88 (1.0) 155 (0.5) 243 (0.6) 88 (1.0) 76 (0.8) 164 (0.9) .001

Abbreviations: ADM, antidiabetic medication; AOM, anti-obesity medication; Black, Black or African American; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; MI, myocardial infarction; SGLT2i, sodium/glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor; SMD, standardized mean difference; T2D, type 2 diabetes.


Categorical variables expressed as No. (%). Durations (overweight/obesity and T2D) refer to time (years) since first evidence in electronic health record. Other state includes unknown and states with less than 3% of the prematch sample: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and unknown.


Other race includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, other race, unknown, declined to answer. Absolute SMDs are reported.


Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.