Table. Characteristics of Study Population Before and After Propensity Score Matchinga.
Variable | No. (%) | ||||||
Before matching | After matching | ||||||
Tirzepatide (n = 9193) | Semaglutide (n = 32 029) | Overall (n = 41 222) | Tirzepatide (n = 9193) | Semaglutide (n = 9192) | Overall (n = 18 386) | Absolute SMD | |
Age | 51.9 (12.7) | 56.4 (13.0) | 55.4 (13.1) | 51.9 (12.7) | 52.0 (13.2) | 52.0 (12.9) | .01 |
Sex | |||||||
Female | 6484 (70.5) | 21 060 (65.8) | 27 544 (66.8) | 6484 (70.5) | 6486 (70.6) | 12 970 (70.5) | <.001 |
Male | 2709 (29.5) | 10 969 (34.2) | 13 678 (33.2%) | 2709 (29.5) | 2707 (29.4) | 5416 (29.5) | <.001 |
Race | |||||||
Asian | 156 (1.7) | 880 (2.7) | 1036 (2.5) | 156 (1.7) | 198 (2.2) | 354 (1.9) | .005 |
Black | 1050 (11.4) | 4481 (14.0) | 5531 (13.4) | 1050 (11.4) | 1121 (12.2) | 2171 (11.8) | .008 |
White | 7097 (77.2) | 23 559 (73.6) | 30 656 (74.4) | 7097 (77.2) | 7085 (77.1) | 14 182 (77.1) | .001 |
Other or unknownb | 890 (9.7) | 3109 (9.7) | 3999 (9.7) | 890 (9.7) | 789 (8.6) | 1679 (9.1) | .01 |
Ethnicity | |||||||
Hispanic or Latino | 1414 (15.4) | 4252 (13.3) | 5666 (13.7) | 1414 (15.4) | 1374 (14.9) | 2788 (15.2) | .01 |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 7355 (80.0) | 26 093 (81.5) | 33 448 (81.1) | 7355 (80.0) | 7416 (80.7) | 14 771 (80.3) | .007 |
Other | 424 (4.6) | 1684 (5.3) | 2108 (5.1) | 424 (4.6) | 403 (4.4) | 827 (4.5) | .002 |
Education: any college on record | 5467 (59.5) | 14 275 (44.6) | 19 742 (47.9) | 5467 (59.5) | 5463 (59.4) | 10 930 (59.4) | <.001 |
Income range, $ | |||||||
0-25 000 | 220 (2.4) | 853 (2.7) | 1073 (2.6) | 220 (2.4) | 290 (3.2) | 510 (2.8) | .008 |
25 001-50 000 | 3763 (40.9) | 14 602 (45.6) | 18 365 (44.6) | 3763 (40.9) | 3851 (41.9) | 7614 (41.4) | .01 |
50 001-80 000 | 3521 (38.3) | 11 376 (35.5) | 14 897 (36.1) | 3521 (38.3) | 3423 (37.2) | 6944 (37.8) | .01 |
>80 000 | 1490 (16.2) | 4354 (13.6) | 5844 (14.2) | 1490 (16.2) | 1428 (15.5) | 2918 (15.9) | .007 |
Unknown | 199 (2.2) | 844 (2.6) | 1043 (2.5) | 199 (2.2) | 201 (2.2) | 400 (2.2) | <.001 |
State | |||||||
Texas | 3997 (43.5) | 9397 (29.3) | 13 394 (32.5) | 3997 (43.5) | 3969 (43.2) | 7966 (43.3) | .006 |
Wisconsin | 591 (6.4) | 2850 (8.9) | 3441 (8.3) | 591 (6.4) | 582 (6.3) | 1173 (6.4) | .004 |
Illinois | 583 (6.3) | 3239 (10.1) | 3822 (9.3) | 583 (6.3) | 586 (6.4) | 1169 (6.4) | .001 |
Ohio | 906 (9.9) | 2425 (7.6) | 3331 (8.1) | 906 (9.9) | 917 (10.0) | 1823 (9.9) | .004 |
Washington | 458 (5.0) | 3538 (11.0) | 3996 (9.7) | 458 (5.0) | 457 (5.0) | 915 (5.0) | <.001 |
California | 754 (8.2) | 3021 (9.4) | 3775 (9.2) | 754 (8.2) | 750 (8.2) | 1504 (8.2) | .00 |
Other | 1904 (20.7) | 7559 (23.6) | 9463 (23.0) | 1904 (20.7) | 1932 (21.0) | 3836 (20.9) | .008 |
Weight, kg | 110 (25.7) | 109 (25.2) | 109 (25.3) | 110 (25.7) | 110 (25.8) | 110 (25.8) | 0.01 (25.8) |
BMIc | 39.0 (8.08) | 38.6 (7.92) | 38.7 (7.96) | 39.0 (8.08) | 39.1 (8.09) | 39.1 (8.09) | .008 |
Unknown | 1202 (13.1) | 2661 (8.3) | 3863 (9.4) | 1202 (13.1) | 1211 (13.2) | 2413 (13.1) | <.001 |
Years since first overweight/obesity | 4.48 (3.11) | 5.08 (3.28) | 4.95 (3.25) | 4.48 (3.11) | 4.50 (3.11) | 4.49 (3.11) | .004 |
T2D | 4773 (51.9) | 22 890 (71.5) | 27 663 (67.1) | 4773 (51.9) | 4790 (52.1) | 9563 (52.0) | .004 |
Years since first T2D (among patients with T2D) | 3.54 (3.21) | 4.24 (4.09) | 4.12 (3.96) | 3.54 (3.21) | 3.42 (3.36) | 3.48 (3.29) | .04 |
Months since May 2022 | 8.48 (3.93) | 8.44 (4.59) | 8.45 (4.45) | 8.48 (3.93) | 8.69 (4.50) | 8.59 (4.23) | .05 |
No. of HBA1c tests in previous 2 y | 2.19 (1.89) | 2.85 (2.10) | 2.71 (2.07) | 2.19 (1.89) | 2.21 (1.87) | 2.20 (1.88) | .008 |
Bariatric surgery history | 385 (4.2) | 1140 (3.6) | 1525 (3.7) | 385 (4.2) | 367 (4.0) | 752 (4.1) | .002 |
Comorbidities | |||||||
Atrial fibrillation | 404 (4.4) | 2332 (7.3) | 2736 (6.6) | 404 (4.4) | 405 (4.4) | 809 (4.4) | <.001 |
Asthma | 1658 (18.0) | 6253 (19.5) | 7911 (19.2) | 1658 (18.0) | 1689 (18.4) | 3347 (18.2) | .009 |
CKD | 833 (9.1) | 4909 (15.3) | 5742 (13.9) | 833 (9.1) | 852 (9.3) | 1685 (9.2) | .007 |
COPD | 412 (4.5) | 2471 (7.7) | 2883 (7.0) | 412 (4.5) | 416 (4.5) | 828 (4.5) | .002 |
Glaucoma | 133 (1.4) | 786 (2.5) | 919 (2.2) | 133 (1.4) | 135 (1.5) | 268 (1.5) | <.001 |
Heart failure | 442 (4.8) | 2852 (8.9) | 3294 (8.0) | 442 (4.8) | 452 (4.9) | 894 (4.9) | .005 |
Hyperlipidemia | 5736 (62.4) | 23 839 (74.4) | 29 575 (71.7) | 5736 (62.4) | 5802 (63.1) | 11 538 (62.8) | .015 |
Hypertension | 5741 (62.4) | 23 393 (73.0) | 29 134 (70.7) | 5741 (62.4) | 5747 (62.5) | 11 488 (62.5) | .001 |
Ischemic heart disease | 449 (4.9) | 2600 (8.1) | 3049 (7.4) | 449 (4.9) | 446 (4.9) | 895 (4.9) | .002 |
Osteoporosis | 269 (2.9) | 1318 (4.1) | 1587 (3.8) | 269 (2.9) | 281 (3.1) | 550 (3.0) | .001 |
Acute MI | 161 (1.8) | 942 (2.9) | 1103 (2.7) | 161 (1.8) | 145 (1.6) | 306 (1.7) | .002 |
Ischemic stroke | 12 (0.1) | 73 (0.2) | 85 (0.2) | 12 (0.1) | 7 (0.1) | 19 (0.1) | <.001 |
Major depressive disorder | 2026 (22.0) | 7603 (23.7) | 9629 (23.4) | 2026 (22.0) | 2018 (22.0) | 4044 (22.0) | .002 |
ADM | |||||||
DPP4 | 659 (7.2) | 3175 (9.9) | 3834 (9.3) | 659 (7.2) | 666 (7.2) | 1325 (7.2) | .003 |
Insulin | 485 (5.3) | 2634 (8.2) | 3119 (7.6) | 485 (5.3) | 488 (5.3) | 973 (5.3) | .001 |
Metformin | 4179 (45.5) | 19 557 (61.1) | 23 736 (57.6) | 4179 (45.5) | 4217 (45.9) | 8396 (45.7) | .008 |
SGLT2i | 1162 (12.6) | 5828 (18.2) | 6990 (17.0) | 1162 (12.6) | 1176 (12.8) | 2338 (12.7) | .005 |
Sulfonylurea | 1102 (12.0) | 6274 (19.6) | 7376 (17.9) | 1102 (12.0) | 1073 (11.7) | 2175 (11.8) | .01 |
AOM | |||||||
Orlistat | 17 (0.2) | 53 (0.2) | 70 (0.2) | 17 (0.2) | 21 (0.2) | 38 (0.2) | <.001 |
Phentermine topiramate | 88 (1.0) | 155 (0.5) | 243 (0.6) | 88 (1.0) | 76 (0.8) | 164 (0.9) | .001 |
Abbreviations: ADM, antidiabetic medication; AOM, anti-obesity medication; Black, Black or African American; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; MI, myocardial infarction; SGLT2i, sodium/glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor; SMD, standardized mean difference; T2D, type 2 diabetes.
Categorical variables expressed as No. (%). Durations (overweight/obesity and T2D) refer to time (years) since first evidence in electronic health record. Other state includes unknown and states with less than 3% of the prematch sample: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and unknown.
Other race includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, other race, unknown, declined to answer. Absolute SMDs are reported.
Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.