Fig 3.
Summary of sample processing and results by province. (A) Depiction of Mozambique sites where samples were collected. Provinces are depicted in dashed lines. The city of collection within the province is depicted with a colored dot. (B) Sample quality control preformed from ddPCR data. Names of the province and city of collection (in parentheses) above pie charts representing the pass rate of quality control using λ (see Materials and Methods); the dashed portion represents failed quality control. n = total number of samples collected. (C) Results of ddPCR CNV analysis per-target in each province. n* = total number of samples passing quality screening in each province; 1.2–1.5 represents “potential CNVs”; >1.5 represents “called CNVs”; total CNVs are the sum of the CNVs > 1.2; %Province = Total CNVs/n*. (D) The cumulative total of all CNVs (>1.2) observed from all provinces. n* = combined total samples that passed quality screening.