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. 2024 Jul 9;14:109. doi: 10.1186/s13613-024-01341-y

Table 1.

Organisational features of post-ICU outpatient visits (46 intensive care units)

Seven survey items assessing visit organisation Median [IQR] or n (%)
Estimated number of patients seen annually 50 [30–100]

How many visit(s) do you schedule per patient?



   More than two

   As needed

29 (63)

4 (9)

4 (9)

9 (20)

How long after ICU discharge is/are the visit(s) scheduled? a

   1 month

   3 months

   6 months

   12 months

   15 months

6 (13)

25 (54)

20 (43)

6 (13)

1 (2)

How do the visits take place? a

   Face-to-face visit

   Day-hospital admission

   Remote visit

31 (67)

14 (30)

3 (6)

How long does each visit last?

   30 min to 1 h

   >1 h to 2 h

   Half a day

   A day

34 (74)

6 (13)

3 (7)

3 (7)

How frequently does your ICU provide post-ICU visits?

   Several times a week

   Once a week

   Every two weeks

   Every month

   No set interval

4 (9)

27 (59)

7 (15)

6 (13)

2 (4)

What kind of healthcare professionals are present at the visit? a

   Intensivist/ anaesthesiologist

   Physician in another specialty



   Physical therapist


   Nursing assistant

   Speech therapist

   Occupational therapist

   Clinical research associate

46 (100)

9 (20)

16 (35)

13 (28)

8 (17)

6 (13)

2 (4)

1 (2)

1 (2)

1 (2)

Is the physician leading the visit

   An ICU physician specifically in charge of post-ICU visits?

   Any ICU physician?

35 (76)

11 (24)

What is the critical-care experience of the physician leading the visit?

   Senior with < 5 years of experience

   Senior with ≥ 5 years of experience


22 (48)

22 (48)

2 (4)

Where do the visits take place?

   Dedicated out-patient visit room outside the ICU

   Dedicated out-patient visit room in the ICU

   Room in the ICU, not used only for outpatient visits

   Intensivist’s office

32 (70)

8 (17)

4 (9)

2 (4)

Abbreviation ICU: intensive care unit

aMore than one answer was possible for each respondent ICU