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. 2024 Jun 26;12:1359368. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1359368

Table 1.

Epidemiological/compartmental US-CDC COVID-19 forecasting models—their description, features employed, methodology and assumptions they make regarding public health interventions.

Model Features used for forecasting Author Method Assumptions
TTU-Squider (8) Takes into account power-law incident rate, separate compartments for silent spreaders, quarantine/hospital isolation of infected individuals, social contact restrictions, possible loss of immunity for recovered individuals. Hussain Lab, Texas Tech University SIR Effects of interventions are reflected in observed data and will continue going forward.
JHU-IDD (9) Accounts for uncertainty in epidemiological parameters including R0, spread of more transmissible variants, infectious period, time delays to health outcomes and effectiveness of state-wide intervention policies. JHU IDD Working Group Meta population SEIR Current interventions will not change during the period forecasted.
IowaStateLW-STEM (10) A non-parametric space-time disease transmission model for epidemic data to study the spatial-temporal pattern of COVID-19. Iowa State- Lily Wang's Group Non-parametric spatiotemporal model
BPagano-RtDriven (11) The effective transmission ratio, Rt, drives the model's projections. To forecast how Rt will change with time, the model analyzes Rt change data through the pandemic and applies a model of that characteristic behavior to forecast infections. BPagano SIR Effects of interventions are reflected in observed data and will continue going forward.
UCLA-SuEIR (12) An SEIR Model variant that takes into consideration the effects of re-openings. Assumes a transition from a virtual “Quarantined" group to the “Susceptible" group at a specific rate for the states that have reopened/ partially reopened. Most notable feature is that it can infer untested cases as well as unreported cases. UCLA Statistical Machine Learning Lab Modified SEIR Contact rates will increase as states reopen and calculate the increase in contact rates for each state.
COVID19Sim-Simulator (13) Uses a validated compartment model defined using SEIR with continuous-time progression to simulate the trajectory of COVID-19 at the state level. COVID-19 Simulator SEIR Based on assumptions about how in the future, the levels of social distancing may evolve.
USACE-ERDC_SEIR (14) Bayesian Inference calculates model parameters from observations of total number of cases. A prior probability distribution over the model parameters. The accumulated observations & subject matter knowledge are then coupled with a statistical model of model-data mismatch to generate a posterior probability distribution across model parameters. To make forecasts, parameters maximizing posterior probability density are used. US Army Engineer Research & Development Center Process-based classic SEIR model with compartments for unreported infections/ isolated individuals. (i) Current interventions don't change during forecast period. (ii) Modeled populations are large enough that disease states fluctuations grow slower than average. (iii) Recovered individuals are not infectious/ susceptible to infections.
Microsoft-DeepSTIA (15) Deep Spatio-temporal network with intervention under the assumption of Spatio-temporal process in the pandemic of different regions. Microsoft SEIR model on spatiotemporal network Current interventions will not change during the period forecasted.
CovidAnalytics-DELPHI (16) Introduces new states to accommodate for unnoticed cases, as well as an explicit death state. A non-linear curve reflecting government reaction is used to adjust the infection rate. Also, a meta-analysis of 150 factors is used to determine key illness parameters, while epidemiological parameters are fitted to historical death counts & identified cases. MIT Covid-Analytics Augmentation of SEIR model
Columbia_UNC-SurvCon (17) Considers transmission throughout pre-symptomatic incubation phase, employing a time-varying effective R0 to capture the temporal trend of transmission & change in response to a public health intervention. Uses permutation to quantify uncertainty. Columbia_UNC
CU-select, CU-nochange, CU-scenario_low, CU-scenario_mid, CU-scenario_high (18) Produces different intervention scenarios, each assuming various interventions & rates of compliance are implemented in the future. (i) Presents the weekly scenario believed to be most plausible given current observations & planned intervention policies. (ii) Current contact rates will remain unchanged in the future. Assumes relatively (iii) low transmission, (iv) moderate transmission, & (v) high transmission Columbia University Metapopulation county-level SEIR