Fig. 1.
Mice with a floxed exon 2 of Hif-2a are resistant to FV infection. (A,B) Spleen weight (A) and viral load (B) of different mouse strains were analyzed 7 days after FV infection. Mice designated as Hif-2afl in B and C are littermate Hif-2afl × LysM+/+ mice. For reasons of clarity the designation has been shortened. ‘Hif-2afl total’ represents the combined results of all different Hif-2afl mouse strains. (C) The number of erythroblasts (Ter119+), macrophages (F4/80+) and B cells (CD19+) was determined by flow cytometry. Results are mean±s.e.m. The numbers in the graphs indicate the number of animals tested. *P<0.05; ns, not statistically significant (compared to naïve mice; one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test).