Figure 4.
Transcriptional immune profiles are prognostically significant in PDAC. (A) Enrichment score of stromal and immune cell types in distinct metabolic groups using the xCell tool. Boxplots show xCell types significantly differentially enriched in M_CL1 (n=8), M_CL2 (n=9) and M_CL3 (n=9) PDAC samples (Mann Whitney U test). Box plots give median, lower and upper quartile by the box and minimum and maximum by the whiskers. (B) Heatmap showing xCell scores across 26 PDAC samples, color-coded by metabolic cluster and divided into two groups (xCellhi and xCelllo) based on the hierarchical clustering results. Columns represent samples, rows represent cell types. xCell score is color-coded from green (lower) to violet (higher). (C) Survival analysis of patients stratified into 2 groups, according to the xCell enrichment score (xCellhi and xCelllo). p=0.04 by log rank test. (D) Overall survival curves on TCGA human PDAC data based on median expression of gene signatures from M_CL1, M_CL2 and M_CL3. Dotted lines show 95% CI. HR, hazard ratio.