Extended Data Fig. 1 |. a-f, Ly6efl/fl and Ly6eΔVav1 mice were intraperitoneally infected with 5,000 PFU MHV-A59 and assessed for survival (a), viral burden in brain, lung, spleen, and liver (b), viral burden in heart (c), viral burden in serum (d), serum alanine aminotransferase (e), and post-mortem spleen weight (f).
In a, data represents means from n = 34 Ly6efl/fl and n = 23 Ly6eΔVav1; b, d-f, n = 8 Ly6efl/fl and n = 15 Ly6eΔVav1; c, n = 5 Ly6efl/fl and n = 10 Ly6eΔVav1. g, Flow cytometry gating strategy for sorting lymphocytes from the spleen for examining Ly6e gene expression in Ly6eΔCD4, Ly6eΔCD8a, and Ly6eΔCD19 mice relative to Ly6efl/fl littermates in Fig. 1g. h–l, mice were intraperitoneally infected with 5,000 PFU MHV-A59 and assessed for (h) survival (n = 47 Ly6efl/fl, n = 15 Ly6eΔLyz2, n = 14 Ly6eΔCD11c, n = 14 Ly6eΔCD4, n = 5 Ly6eΔCD8a, and n = 16 Ly6eΔCD19), viral burden in brain, lung, spleen, and liver (i), viral burden in serum (j), serum alanine aminotransferase (k), and post-mortem spleen weight (l). In i-l, data represents means from n = 30 Ly6efl/fl, n=13 Ly6eΔLysM, n = 14 Ly6eΔCD11c, n = 10 Ly6eΔCD4, n = 6 Ly6eΔCD8a, and n = 14 Ly6eΔCD19. Male and female mice were used at an approximately 1 to 1 ratio for these experiments. Statistical significance was determined by log-rank (Mantel-Cox) tests (a, h), two-sided Mann-Whitney test (b-d), two-sided unpaired t-test (e-f), Kruskal-Wallis test (i-j), and one-way ANOVA (k-l). Error bars represent mean ± standard deviation.