Nanozymes | Enzyme mimic | Antibacterial mechanism | References |
Zn‐based SAzyme | POD | Generation of •OH | 53 |
Cu‐based SAzyme | POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 32 |
Fe‐based SAzyme | POD | Generation of •OH | 54 |
Mn‐based SAzyme | POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 57 |
Pd‐based SAzyme | POD | NO + generation of •OH | 56 |
Au NPs | OXD and POD | Generation of •OH | 64 |
Pd nanocrystals | OXD and POD | Generation of H2O2 and •OH | 67 |
Pt nanodendrites | POD | Generation of •OH | 33 |
Cu nanozymes | POD | Generation of •OH | 69 |
MoS2 nanoflowers | POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 34, 81, 84 |
MnO2 nanozymes | OXD | •OH | 86 |
Fe3O4 nanozymes | POD | Generation of •OH | 77 |
AgPd0.38 nanozymes | OXD | Generation of ROS | 87 |
Cu‐MoS2 | POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 83 |
MoS2/Fe NSs | POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 98 |
Cu2WS4 NCs | OXD and POD | Generation of H2O2 and •OH | 35 |
Cu2MoS4 NPs | OXD and POD | Generation of H2O2 and •OH | 99 |
MOF | OXD and POD | Generation of O2 •− and •OH | 103 |
g‐C3N4@Au hybrid | POD | Generation of •OH | 114 |
MOF/GOx hybrid | OXD and POD | Generation of •OH | 115 |
Au/MOF hybrid | POD | Generation of •OH | 65 |
Cu/carbon hybrid | POD | Generation of •OH | 116 |
Fe3O4/PDA hybrid | OXD and POD | Photothermal + generation of •OH | 37 |
Polymer | POD | Generation of •OH | 124 |