Kisspeptin treatment produces higher LH response in HFD mice than in CTR. A, C, Left, CTR (n = 5) and HFD (n = 5 in A, n = 6 in C) mice were injected intraperitoneally with 1 mg/kg kisspeptin (A) or intracerebroventricularly with 1 nmol kisspeptin (C); and LH measured at times indicated in the graph. * indicates statistical difference between CTR and HFD at the same time point. Right, AUC calculated from results presented on the left; * indicates statistically significant difference (A, p = 0.0062) between CTR and HFD. Each dot represents one animal, bars represent group average. B, D, Left, Due to the difference in basal LH levels, fold change from basal levels was calculated after intraperitoneal injection (B) or intracerebroventricular injection (D). * indicates statistical difference between CTR and HFD at the same time point. Right, AUC was calculated and statistically significant difference (* B, p = 0.0018; D, p < 0.0001) between CTR and HFD determined by t test.