CSF3R+ MDSCs are elevated in the PBMC of tumor-recurred mice and exhibit higher immunosuppressive activity. The PBMC samples of various groups of mice were collected and subjected to marker staining. The populations of (A) CD11b+/Gr1+ and (B) CD11b+/Gr1+/Csf3r+ MDSCs studied by flow cytometry. (C) CD3+ T-cell populations assessed by flow cytometry after co-culture with Csf3r- or Csf3r+ MDSCs isolated from the spleen of tumor-bearing mice, with the results normalized to the T-cell group, defined as 1 (gray bar). (D) Intracellular ROS levels of various sub-populations of MDSCs measured by DCF-DA staining, with the fluorescent intensities normalized to the total MDSC group, defined as 1 (gray bar). n.s.: no significance, *: p-value < 0.05; **: p-value < 0.01; ***: p-value < 0.001; ****: p-value < 0.0001.