Informed understanding |
Understand their child’s illness and medical plan
Understand with quality interpretation |
Be patient
Speak in clear terms and do not use medical jargon
Ask about understanding and clarify any misunderstandings/misconceptions
Be sensitive to emotional words/topics
Allow time for processing and emotional responses
Include other family members as needed
For LEP Parents
Train staff in communication with clear simple English and supportive images, in patients’ preferred language
Ensure access to professional interpreter services (in-person preferable to remote)18,19,20
Be prepared |
Express what is known, what is not known, and what the proposed plan will be
Explain breadth of options
Provide medical explanations to family members as needed
Have consistent team plans |
Compassionate interactions |
Feel cared about |
Express caring both verbally and through nonverbal interactions
Get to know the patient and family
Allow time for processing and emotional responses
Be sensitive to emotional words/topics
Feel culturally and religiously respected |
Avoid generalizations or stereotypes about culture given variations within communities
Recognize, respect, and respond to cultural traditions and role of spirituality in how parents experience illness and healing
Support parents’ access to religious/culturally relevant support services
Train staff in cultural humility, working with diverse communities’ cultural and religious beliefs, and societal conditions23,24
Feel safe, and not discriminated against |
Respected parental advocacy |
Be heard for parental wisdom |
Listen to and respect parents’ knowledge of their child
Respect parental need for involvement and advocacy
Be open to alternative ideas presented by parents
Be respected for authority to make decisions |
Not be harmed after advocating |
Have continuity in medical care |
Reinforce processes that support continuity
Explain current providers’ roles, and
Communicate with/involve primary clinician, refer back to their primary clinician
Receive support |
Refer to social services
Refer to parental support groups
Refer to palliative care when appropriate
Involve spiritual care for patients and families
Create processes to connect parents with social support systems that address unmet health care needs
Create processes to connect parents with other parents with similar lived experiences25
Provide cultural navigators to help remove and reduce barriers26