Experiment | Description | Experimental groups | Full experimental time course | Microbiome assessment timepoints |
Experiment 1 | Natural/pre-infection and early infection | MmuPV1-infected | Natural (pre-infection), 1 wk post-Depo, 2–10 wpi | Natural (pre-infection); 1 wk post-Depo; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 wpi |
Experiment 2 | Natural/pre-infection and early infection | Untouched, mock-infected, MmuPV1- infected | Natural (pre-infection), 1 wk post-Depo, 2–12 wpi | Natural (pre-infection); 1 wk post-Depo; 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 wpi |
Experiment 3 | Late infection | Mock-infected, MmuPV1-infected | 4.5–24 wpi | 4.5, 7, 9, 14, 18, and 24 wpi |
Experiment 4 | Viral dose curve | Mock-infected, 104 VGE, 106 VGE, or 108 VGE MmuPV1 | 2–24 wpi | 8 wpi, 20 wpi |
Experiment 5 | Laser capture microdissection (local microbiome) | Mock-infected, mock-infected + estrogen, MmuPV1-infected, MmuPV1-infected + estrogen | 24 wpi | 24 wpi |
A brief description of the experiments in this study, including experimental groups and time points where the microbiome was assessed. (wpi, weeks post-infection; wk, week).