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. 2024 May 14;15(6):e00933-24. doi: 10.1128/mbio.00933-24


Permanova analysesa,b

Experiment Groups included Variable Variable levels R2 P-value P-value
q-value q-value
Experiment 1 All (infected mice) Pre- v. Post-Infection Pre-Infection v. Post-Infection 0.04829 1.30E-02 * 0.0303 *
Experiment 1 All (infected mice) Infection Stage (pre-infect v. post-depo v. infection establishment v. early infection v. mid infection) Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection,
Mid Infection
0.3 1.00E-04 *** 0.0004 ***
Experiment 1 All (infected mice) Viral copy number Low v. High 0.0573 0.0590 ° 0.1033 ns
Experiment 1 All (infected mice) Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 1 All (infected mice) Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3, SCC 0.0777 0.2330 ns 0.3262 ns
Experiment 1 All mice (post infection timepoints only) Infection Stage (infection establishment v. early infection v. mid infection) Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection, Mid Infection 0.3169 1.00E-04 *** 0.0004 ***
Experiment 1 All mice (post infection timepoints only) Viral copy number (H vs. L) Low v. High 0.0151 0.6657 ns 0.7767 ns
Experiment 1 All mice (post infection timepoints only) Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 1 All mice (post infection timepoints only) Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3, SCC 0.0493 0.7972 ns 0.7972 ns
Experiment 2 All mice Intervention Group Untreated, Mock Infected, mMUPV1 Infected. 0.0316 0.0293 * 0.0553 °
Experiment 2 All mice Pre- vs. Post-Infection Pre-Infection v. Post-Infection 0.04178 1.00E-04 *** 0.0006 ***
Experiment 2 All mice Pre-Infection vs. Post-infection Untouched, Mock, and Infected Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Untouched, Mock, Infected (at post-infection timepoints) 0.10989 1.00E-04 *** 0.0006 ***
Experiment 2 All mice Infection Stage Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection, Mid Infection 0.04178 1.00E-04 *** 0.0006 ***
Experiment 2 All mice Viral copy number Low v. High 0.01861 0.1981 ns 0.2806 ns
Experiment 2 All mice Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 2 All mice Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3 -- -- -- -- -- Only histology from Infected mice was scored. No histology from Untouched or Mock infected mice.
Experiment 2 All mice (post infection timepoints only) Intervention Group Untreated, Mock Infected, mMUPV1 Infected. 0.0599 0.0018 ** 0.0061 **
Experiment 2 Untreated Mice Pre- vs. Post-Infection Pre-Infection v. Post-Infection 0.0253 0.5674 ns 0.6029 ns
Experiment 2 Untreated Mice Infection Stage Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection, Mid Infection 0.1288 0.5421 ns 0.6029 ns
Experiment 2 Mock infection mice Pre- vs. Post-Infection Pre-Infection v. Post-Infection 0.0887 0.0013 ** 0.0055 **
Experiment 2 Mock infection mice Infection Stage Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection, Mid Infection 0.1751 0.0054 ** 0.0131 *
Experiment 2 Infected Mice Pre- vs. Post-Infection Pre-Infection v. Post-Infection 0.0606 0.0031 ** 0.0089 **
Experiment 2 Infected Mice Infection Stage Pre-Infection, Post-Depoprovera, Infection Establishment, Early Infection, Mid Infection 0.1483 0.0099 ** 0.021 *
Experiment 2 Infected Mice Viral copy number Low v. High 0.0609 0.1925 ns 0.2806 ns
Experiment 2 Infected Mice Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 2 Infected Mice Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3 0.0945 0.683 ns 0.683 ns
Experiment 2 Infected Mice (post infection Only) Infection Stage Infection Establishment, Early Infection,
Mid Infection
0.09341 0.3099 ns 0.3763 ns
Experiment 2 Infected Mice (post infection Only) Viral copy number Low v. High 0.0726 0.3099 ns 0.3763 ns
Experiment 2 Infected Mice (post infection Only) Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 2 Infected Mice (post infection Only) Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3 0.1718 0.133 ns 0.226 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
All Mock v. Infection Mock v. MmuPV1 infection 0.0155 0.3943 ns 0.4929 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
All Infection Stage Early Infection, Mid infection, Late Infection 0.058 0.0054 ** 0.043 *
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
All Viral copy number Low v. High 0.0494 0.3046 ns 0.4929 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
All Viral Persistence Persistence v. Clearance 0.0441 0.567 ns 0.63 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
All Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage Normal to hyperplasia, CIN 3, CIN 3+ 0.0382 0.141 ns 0.3525 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
Infected Mice Infection Stage Early Infection, Mid infection, Late Infection 0.0651 0.0086 ** 0.043 *
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
Infected Mice Viral copy number Low v. High 0.0398 0.317 ns 0.4929 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
Infected Mice Viral Persistence Persistence v. Clearance 0.0346 0.6952 ns 0.6952 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
Infected Mice Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 3, CIN 3+ 0.0385 0.3735 ns 0.4929 ns
Experiment 3
(late Infection)
Mock infection mice Infection Stage Early Infection, Mid infection, Late Infection 0.0651 0.0666 ° 0.222 ns
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
All Viral Inoculation Dose Mock, 10^4, 10^6, 10^8 0.165 0.0034 ** 0.0059 **
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
All Viral copy number Low v. High 0.1148 0.0044 ** 0.0059 **
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
All Viral Persistence Persistence v. Clearance 0.1432 9.00E-04 *** 0.0024 **
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
All Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage Normal, CIN1, CIN2, CIN 3, SCC 0.13389 0.37 ns 0.37 ns
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
Infected Mice Viral Inoculation Dose Mock, 10^4, 10^6, 10^8 0.1253 0.0041 ** 0.0059 **
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
Infected Mice Viral copy number Low v. High 0.11326 1.00E-04 *** 0.0008 ***
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
Infected Mice Viral Persistence Persistence v. Clearance 0.1014 4.00E-04 *** 0.0016 **
Experiment 4
(Viral Dose)
Infected Mice Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage Normal, CIN1, CIN2, CIN 3, SCC 0.1854 0.0276 * 0.0315 *
Experiment 5
All Group Mock, Mock + estrogen, Infected, Infected
+ estrogen
0.901 0.0624 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
All Mock v. Infection Mock v. MmuPV1 infection 0.0315 0.0994 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
All Estrogen Supplementation Estrogen v. No Estrogen 0.0339 0.0657 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
All Estrus stage proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus 0.1189 0.9889 ns 0.9911 ns
Experiment 5
All Sampling Location Ectocervix, Cervicovaginal wall, Vaginal wall 0.0721 0.9844 ns 0.9911 ns
Experiment 5
All Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage Normal to hyperplasia, CIN 2, CIN 3, SCC 0.1054 0.2318 ns 0.6544 ns
Experiment 5
All Mock infected mice Estrogen Supplementation Estrogen v. No Estrogen 0.0473 0.6681 ns 0.9207 ns
Experiment 5
All Mock infected mice Estrus stage proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus 0.2175 0.3416 ns 0.7163 ns
Experiment 5
All Mock infected mice Sampling Location Ectocervix, Cervicovaginal wall, Vaginal wall 0.0553 0.3426 ns 0.7163 ns
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Estrogen Estrogen v. No Estrogen 0.0702 0.0527 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Estrus stage proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus 0.1743 0.897 ns 0.9911 ns
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Sampling Location Ectocervix, Cervicovaginal wall, Vaginal wall 0.1449 0.4191 ns 0.7415 ns
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Viral copy number Low v. High 0.067 0.0788 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Viral Persistence Persistence -- -- -- -- -- All infected mice had viral persistence
Experiment 5
All Infected Mice Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage Normal to hyperplasia, CIN 2, CIN 3, SCC 0.097 0.4064 ns 0.7415 ns
Experiment 5
No Estrogen Mice Mock v. Infection Mock v. MmuPV1 infection 0.07 0.5519 ns 0.8772 ns
Experiment 5
No Estrogen Mice Estrus stage proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus 0.2264 0.9911 ns 0.9911 ns
Experiment 5
No Estrogen Mice Sampling Location Ectocervix, Cervicovaginal wall, Vaginal wall 0.103 0.6805 ns 0.9207 ns
Experiment 5
No Estrogen + Infected Viral copy number Low v. High 0.1198 0.8571 ns 0.9911 ns note: two had low viral load
Experiment 5
No Estrogen + Infected Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 3, CIN 3 0.2305 0.0952 ° 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
Estrogen Mice Mock v. Infection Mock v. MmuPV1 infection 0.0534 0.0444 * 0.3266 ns
Experiment 5
Estrogen Mice Estrus stage proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus 0.1214 0.9623 ns 0.9911 ns
Experiment 5
Estrogen Mice Sampling Location Ectocervix, Cervicovaginal wall, Vaginal wall 0.2215 0.5721 ns 0.8772 ns
Experiment 5
Estrogen + Infection Viral copy number Low v. High -- -- -- -- -- Only one had Low viral load so unable to assess
Experiment 5
Estrogen + Infection Cervicovaginal Dysplasia Stage CIN 2, CIN 3, SCC 0.1594 0.2561 ns 0.6545 ns

The Bray-Curtis metric was utilized to assess beta-diversity between cervicovaginal microbiome samples for each of the experiments included in this study. Univariate permutation ANOVAS with 9999 permutations were then used to assess whether sample microbial community beta diversity significantly clustered by intervention group (i.e., mock-infected vs MmuPV1-infected) or infection outcomes (i.e., high vs low viral load, cervical dysplasia severity, etc.). The table summarizes the permutation ANOVA results for each analysis within each experiment.


To account for multiple comparisons, significance values were corrected with the Benjamini-Hochberg (B-H) Procedure. LCM: Laser capture microdissection.ns: not significant.-- indicates unable to assess. See “Notes” column for details.° indicates the p-value or the B-H adjusted q-value < 0.1, * indicates the p-value or the B-H adjusted q-value < 0.05, ** indicates the p-value or the B-H adjusted q-value < 0.01, *** indicates the p-value or the B-H adjusted q-value < 0.001.