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. 2024 May 20;9(6):e00048-24. doi: 10.1128/msystems.00048-24


Effects of probiotic and synbiotic supplementation in sow-offspring diets on intramuscular fat and medium- and long-chain fatty acid content in the longissimus dorsi muscle of offspring piglets (%)a

Itemb C group SOA group SOP group SOS group SEM P values
Intramuscular fat
 65 days old 2.721 2.726 2.540 2.796 0.227 0.872
 95 days old 2.624 1.875 2.515 2.717 0.252 0.098
 125 days old 2.148 2.975 3.054 2.820 0.422 0.363
 65 days old 0.024 0.028 0.024 0.027 0.002 0.192
 95 days old 0.022b 0.022b 0.027a 0.027a 0.002 0.036
 125 days old 0.024 0.023 0.025 0.025 0.002 0.970
 65 days old 0.036b 0.042a 0.045a 0.044a 0.002 0.002
 95 days old 0.041a 0.026a 0.028a 0.034b 0.002 <0.001
 125 days old 0.028 0.028 0.027 0.030 0.002 0.612
 65 days old 0.447b 0.506a 0.472ab 0.511a 0.014 0.012
 95 days old 0.487 0.442 0.492 0.458 0.036 0.717
 125 days old 0.497 0.448 0.453 0.517 0.026 0.231
 65 days old 0.010b 0.012ab 0.013a 0.012ab 0.001 0.039
 95 days old
 125 days old
 65 days old 0.024 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.001 0.379
 95 days old 0.022 0.023 0.021 0.021 0.002 0.713
 125 days old 0.022a 0.021a 0.015b 0.016b 0.001 0.008
 65 days old 8.137 8.397 8.027 8.029 0.173 0.399
 95 days old 8.334a 7.675b 8.416a 8.486a 0.176 0.010
 125 days old 8.231 8.132 8.055 8.296 0.224 0.877
 65 days old 1.177 1.266 1.240 1.133 0.045 0.162
 95 days old 0.728 0.749 0.764 0.815 0.037 0.418
 125 days old 0.785b 0.775b 0.922a 0.830ab 0.032 0.017
 65 days old 0.103 0.106 0.108 0.107 0.004 0.857
 95 days old 0.091 0.091 0.094 0.103 0.005 0.289
 125 days old 0.082 0.085 0.063 0.077 0.007 0.148
 65 days old 4.364 4.071 4.131 4.247 0.098 0.182
 95 days old 5.141 4.885 5.080 5.068 0.119 0.463
 125 days old 4.670b 5.170a 4.438b 4.953a 0.091 <0.001
 65 days old 8.753 8.561 8.171 8.818 0.219 0.178
 95 days old 8.820b 8.052a 9.554a 9.235ab 0.208 <0.001
 125 days old 9.722 9.374 9.807 9.880 0.332 0.758
 65 days old 0.036 0.039 0.039 0.042 0.002 0.202
 95 days old 0.034 0.033 0.037 0.034 0.002 0.612
 125 days old 0.042 0.040 0.040 0.035 0.002 0.117
 65 days old 4.135ab 4.578a 4.397a 3.881b 0.140 0.009
 95 days old 3.179b 3.531a 2.988b 2.651a 0.105 <0.001
 125 days old 2.603a 2.017b 1.980b 2.236ab 0.135 0.008
 65 days old 0.165b 0.188a 0.170b 0.161b 0.004 <0.001
 95 days old 0.126b 0.139a 0.127b 0.125b 0.003 0.012
 125 days old
 65 days old 0.023b 0.030a 0.026ab 0.026ab 0.002 0.022
 95 days old
 125 days old
 65 days old 0.063a 0.064a 0.054b 0.066a 0.002 0.009
 95 days old 0.070 0.071 0.072 0.074 0.003 0.848
 125 days old 0.063b 0.079a 0.065b 0.068b 0.003 0.012
 65 days old 0.204ab 0.237a 0.194b 0.227ab 0.010 0.013
 95 days old 0.303a 0.241b 0.268ab 0.300a 0.011 0.002
 125 days old 0.097a 0.080b 0.081b 0.090ab 0.004 0.013
 65 days old 0.163ab 0.170a 0.144b 0.152ab 0.006 0.015
 95 days old 0.153 0.147 0.139 0.142 0.007 0.469
 125 days old 0.105a 0.078a 0.074a 0.092ab 0.005 <0.001
 65 days old 0.101 0.118 0.115 0.100 0.007 0.189
 95 days old 0.080b 0.098a 0.072b 0.068b 0.006 0.005
 125 days old 0.072 0.065 0.065 0.062 0.007 0.714
 65 days old 0.858 1.005 0.988 0.787 0.078 0.173
 95 days old 0.512b 0.803a 0.466b 0.397b 0.057 <0.001
 125 days old 0.521 0.520 0.453 0.452 0.064 0.770
 65 days old 0.028b 0.050a 0.045a 0.031b 0.004 0.002
 95 days old
 125 days old
 65 days old 0.021b 0.023a 0.031a 0.024ab 0.002 0.049
 95 days old
 125 days old
 65 days old 0.052 0.063 0.061 0.050 0.004 0.099
 95 days old 0.051a 0.059a 0.035b 0.035b 0.003 <0.001
 125 days old 0.048 0.047 0.047 0.052 0.006 0.919
 65 days old 13.267 13.755 12.974 13.112 0.219 0.088
 95 days old 14.218a 13.287b 14.371a 14.466a 0.230 0.004
 125 days old 13.712 14.252 13.176 14.015 0.367 0.247
 65 days old 15.777b 16.551a 15.409b 15.450b 0.191 0.001
 95 days old 14.318 14.223 14.291 14.208 0.267 0.990
 125 days old 14.061 13.863 13.871 13.756 0.255 0.833
 65 days old 10.144 10.107 9.595 10.330 0.257 0.236
 95 days old 9.857ab 9.236b 10.466a 10.371a 0.224 0.002
 125 days old 10.761 10.675 11.190 10.717 0.463 0.856
 65 days old 5.404b 6.472a 5.949a 5.120b 0.186 <0.001
 95 days old 3.891b 4.755a 3.835b 3.894b 0.222 0.017
 125 days old 3.300 2.680 2.572 3.039 0.250 0.151
n-3 PUFA
 65 days old 0.225a 0.283a 0.242b 0.220a 0.005 <0.001
 95 days old 0.122b 0.139a 0.127b 0.125b 0.003 0.004
 125 days old
n-6 PUFA
 65 days old 4.989b 5.998a 5.564a 4.729b 0.184 <0.001
 95 days old 3.623ab 4.228a 3.574ab 3.449b 0.195 0.039
 125 days old 3.195 2.602 2.498 2.941 0.248 0.175
 65 days old 0.408 0.450 0.460 0.389 0.021 0.079
 95 days old 0.276b 0.334a 0.271b 0.257b 0.018 0.024
 125 days old 0.246 0.227 0.22 0.217 0.029 0.872
n-3/n-6 PUFA
 65 days old 0.044ab 0.048a 0.043a 0.047ab 0.001 0.003
 95 days old 0.034a 0.029b 0.036a 0.038a 0.001 0.002
 125 days old

Data are expressed as means with the SEM. Different superscript lowercase letters within the same row not followed by the same letter differ significantly (P < 0.05). C, control group; SOA, antibiotic supplementation in sow-offspring diets; SOP, probiotic supplementation in sow-offspring diets; SOS, synbiotic supplementation in sow-offspring diets. The replicates per group at 65 days old were 8. The replicates of the C, SOA, SOP, and SOS groups at 95 days old were 8, 8, 8, and 7, respectively. The replicates of the C, SOA, SOP, and SOS groups at 125 days old were 8, 5, 6, and 6, respectively.


SFA, saturated fatty acid; UFA, unsaturated fatty acid; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid. The SFA include C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C18:0, C20:0, C23:0, and C24:0; the UFA include C14:1, C16:1, C18:1n9c, C18:1n9t, C18:2n6c, C18:3n3, C18:3n6, C20:1, C20:2, C20:3n6, C20:4n6, and C22:6n3; the MUFA include C14:1, C16:1, C18:1n9c, C18:1n9t, and C20:1; the PUFA include C18:2n6c, C18:3n3, C18:3n6, C20:2, C20:3n6, C20:4n6, and C22:6n3; the n-3 PUFA include C18:3n3, C18:3n6, and C22:6n3; the n-6 PUFA include C18:2n6c, C20:3n6, and C20:4n6. “—” indicates that the content of the corresponding index is below the detection limit.