illustration of the fabrication steps of the dual-probe
tip. After laser-pulling of the double-barrel capillary, one barrel
is closed using Blu-Tack (a), and a butane-propane
mixture is passed through the open barrel. To deposit carbon pyrolytically,
the tip of the pipet is heated in a two-step process under an argon
atmosphere (b). After pyrolysis, the probe is assessed with FIB-SEM
and a GIS (c). Schematic of the fabricated dual-probe (d): one working
electrode of deposited Pt on pyrolytic carbon in the barrel of the
probe connected with a Cu wire, the open barrel is filled with electrolyte,
and an Ag-wire QRCE is inserted from the back. The currents and applied
voltages of each working electrode with respect to ground are controlled
separately. The pipet is assessed with FIB-SEM in the first step (e),
then milled to prepare a platform for Pt deposition on the carbon
side (f). Pt deposition using GIS (g). FIB cutting after GIS (h).
Corresponding SEM micrograph (side view) of the dual probe before
(i) and after (j) FIB cutting. SEM micrograph of the end of a dual-probe
(k) showing deposited Pt (right) and open barrel (left). Micrograph
of the tip after Pt deposition and FIB milling (l).