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. 2024 Jul 11;13:177. doi: 10.1186/s13643-024-02590-5

Table 2.

Results from simulation analyses for datasets labeled by clinicians, research methodologists, and full-text selection

# N SelectCl SelectEx SelectFT WSS95Cl WSS95Ex WSS95FT RRF10Cl RRF10Ex RRF10FT
1 195 11 6 5 32.31 (6.37) 57.70 (4.80) 61.41 (2.14) 29.09 (8.31) 30.00 (16.73) 20.00 (11.18)
2 277 8 4 4 43.33 (5.47) 59.40 (6.82) 62.31 (9.15) 28.57 (13.23) 25.00 (16.67) 33.33 (27.22)
3 640 20 14 12 55.76 (2.54) 73.55 (1.54) 77.40 (2.45) 43.16 (5.56) 52.75 (7.90) 62.88 (10.59)
4 311 34 20 11 73.15 (1.43) 72.98 (2.48) 78.12 (4.10) 66.22 (4.10) 71.32 (11.39) 73.64 (9.24)
5 56 18 9 8 48.89 (0.00) 70.12 (3.35) 70.28 (3.13) 28.10 (2.52) 45.83 (12.50) 41.07 (5.05)
6 188 18 12 7 40.33 (2.47) 45.34 (8.99) 86.76 (1.78) 47.06 (6.69) 40.15 (11.92) 78.57 (15.85)
7 435 109 22 6 32.70 (1.25) 66.10 (1.08) 64.19 (11.75) 25.63 (3.31) 62.55 (5.93) 46.67 (20.66)
8 428 45 45 45 66.42 (1.26) 66.34 (1.08) 66.92 (1.23) 60.45 (5.34) 61.26 (5.52) 60.86 (5.31)
9 342 3 1a 1a 97.99 (0.70) NA NA 100.00 (0) NA NA
10 397 6 4 4 74.78 (2.53) 93.78 (0.87) 93.13 (0.15) 63.33 (8.16) 100.00 (0) 100.00 (0)
11 218 6 5 4 79.55 (1.82) 82.80 (0.43) 79.95 (2.51) 46.67 (20.66) 40.00 (13.69) 33.33 (0)
12 335 5 5 4 61.30 (14.84) 61.05 (14.20) 96.68 (0.92) 65.00 (22.36) 60.00 (33.54) 100.00 (0)
13 480 35 16 9 65.09 (4.03) 73.12 (4.00) 95.76 (0.34) 78.74 (10.14) 89.17 (16.67) 100.00 (0)
14 772 21 10 8 34.84 (16.34) 95.72 (0.32) 96.27 (0.48) 85.95 (19.72) 100.00 (0) 100.00 (0)
Total 5074 339 173 128 50.15 (17.14) 69.24 (11.51) 75.76 (12.16) 48.31 (23.32) 62.78 (21.20) 65.58 (23.25)

aA simulation study with only 1 relevant paper cannot be executed because it needs at least 1 relevant record as training data and 1 relevant record as target paper to detect

SelectCl, Ex, FT = number of records included by the clinician, research methodologist, and full-text selection

WSS95Cl, Ex, FT = Work Saved over Sampling measured at a recall level of 95% for dataset labeled by the clinician, research methodologist, and full-text selection

RRF10Cl, Ex, FT = Relevant References Found after screening 10% of all publications (RRF10) for dataset labeled by the clinician, research methodologist, and full-text selection