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. 2024 Jun 10;55:110604. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110604
Subject Biological sciences
Specific subject area Structural Biology
Data format Raw, Analyzed
Type of data X-ray diffraction data, Table, Image, Graph, Figure
Data collection Synchrotron: Pohang Light Source II (PLS-II)
Beamline: 1C
X-ray wavelength: 14820 eV
X-ray bandwidth (ΔE/E): 1.2 %
Photon flux: ∼ 1 × 1011 photons/s
Beam size: 130 × 100 µm (full width at half maximum, vertical x horizontal)
Sample delivery: fixed-target scanning
Sample holder: nylon-mesh and enclosing film (NAM) based sample holder
Scan speed: 1.786 mm/s
Detector: Pilatus3S 2M (DECTRIS).
Data acquisition: 10 Hz
Data collection temperature: 24 ± 0.4 °C
Data source location Institution: Kookmin University
City/Town/Region: Seoul
Country: Republic of Korea
Data accessibility 1. Raw data diffraction images
Repository name: ZENODO
1) Data 1: Room-temperature structure of glucose isomerase by fixed-target pink-beam serial synchrotron crystallography
- Digital Object Identifier:
- Direct URL to data:
2) Data 2: Room-temperature structure of lysozyme by fixed-target pink-beam serial synchrotron crystallography
- Digital Object Identifier:
- Direct URL to data:
2. Structure factor and coordinate
Repository name: Protein Data Bank (PDB,
1) Data 1: Crystal structure of glucose isomerase by fixed-target pink-beam serial synchrotron crystallography
- PDB code: 8WDH
- Data identification number:
- Direct URL to data:
2) Data 2: Crystal structure of lysozyme by fixed-target pink-beam serial synchrotron crystallography
- PDB code: 8WDI
- Data identification number:
- Direct URL to data:
Related research article Y. Kim, K.H. Nam, Fixed-target Pink-Beam Serial Synchrotron Crystallography at Pohang Light Source II, Crystals (2023) [1]